It might seem strange but I like to jump rope. My dad taught James and me how to work out with one for boxing purposes. Anyhow, I forgot to bring my jump rope and there was only one available in the gym and it was being used so instead I found a spot near the exercise equipment (i.e. stationary bikes, treadmills, stair climbers, etc.), and jumped up and down acting like I had a rope.
One very bright young man asked me if I knew that I didn't have a jump rope. I said yes but he didn't give up. He had the audacity to say I'm wasting my time using a fake rope while at the same time he was climbing up some fake stairs on a Stair Master. Not only that but the person a little ways down from him was riding a bike to nowhere. Same thing with the runners on the treadmills. They weren't getting anywhere. He was pointing me out when quite frankly, the whole concept of using a gym is loaded with "fake ropes," so to speak. Ah, young people these days!