The fact was Republicans repaired the rule because it was confusing. The media certainly didn't let anyone know that the American Association of People with Disabilities; the ACLU; the Arc of the United States; the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network; the Consortium of Citizens With Disabilities; the National Coalition of Mental Health Recovery; and many other disability advocacy organizations and networks wanted Republicans to make the change. Wouldn’t this insight completely change their narrative? Why wouldn’t they share information about all these groups supporting the Republicans? Because of their political bias.
Once again let this sink in. The media completely spun the story to make it look like Republicans were 2nd Amendment crazy. They didn't put the story in context. None of them mentioned the organizations that supported what the Republicans did.
Why in the world do liberals get mad at Trump when he goes after the media? If it were them being attacked daily with lies and misleading stories, they'd be fighting the fake news media too.