Democrats love to say that Obama has fixed things but they choose to forget that Republicans have had most of the control over legislation over the last six years so if they’re saying things are good shouldn’t they thank Republicans? What tax plans has the Democrats put in place to stimulate our economy? What Executive Orders has Obama issued that directly impacted the success of our economy?
Obama hasn’t really done anything specific with the exception of the Stimulus Plan which was a bust and he didn’t save the auto industry as Ford was doing just fine. If the federal government bailed out my main competitor I wouldn’t be happy as this certainly isn’t a capitalist ideology. G.M. should’ve filed for bankruptcy and restructured; they would’ve become a much more effective organization than just being bailed out with money.
All I’m trying to get across here is that Democrats pointing to how much better things are from where they were in 2008 can’t prove it had anything to do with just Democrats. If you're happy where you are now or you aren’t, it’s due to maneuvering by both Democrats and Republicans. I think that neither party really did anything to help our economy because they refused to work together to get anything done.
Democrats complain that the rich have gotten richer and they want to change the tax codes to punish the wealthy. They don’t want people to know that the gap between the 1% and the rest of taxpayers has gotten substantially larger during Obama’s two terms. Democrats had control of the Executive Branch and Legislative Branches for close to two years and they never changed the Bush Tax Code, instead they extended it. Why? I remember them saying they thought it was working.
I have a friend who is a die-hard Democrat and she said her business has done great since Obama has been office. I told her that it’s fantastic that she’s doing so well but the fact is poverty in the U.S. under Obama is at an all-time high. Our GDP has been stagnant not keeping up with inflation thus the impact of annual incomes has gone down. Certainly costs going up while income increases aren’t keeping pace is a terrible thing. More people are stuck in part-time jobs. College graduates are finding themselves in a terrible situation as job growth isn’t keeping up with the new number of graduates entering the job market. Education infrastructures in many African American and Hispanic communities are deplorable. The bottom line is my friend might be doing well but she is by far the exception to the norm.
Obama will not be known for his economic genius. Most indicators were good under Clinton but keep in mind he enjoyed the boom that went bust when Bush was in office. Neither of them should take credit for the good or bad in that situation it was just the market at work. There was also a lot of new investment in lower-end housing as Clinton and the Democrats relaxed loan restrictions. Clinton benefited but it went bust under Bush. Also, economic disparity between the top 1% and the lower income brackets became extremely widespread under Clinton which goes against the Democrat platform so his economic policies weren’t accomplishing what they said it would.
I wrote this article to address pretty much three things. 1) Democrats bragging that things are better since Obama has been in office are neglecting to accept some important economic indicators. 2) Democrats have had every opportunity to change the tax codes and they haven’t done it yet they demonize the Republican Party for the rich getting richer. 3) Unlike what Democrats say, Bill Clinton was not an economic guru he benefited from the boom and the housing boom because of relaxed regulations on lower-income housing. Both of these went bust when Bush was in office and he was blamed for it when he did nothing to cause them.
You ever notice when watching a football game that you see the other team fumble yet they swear their running back didn’t fumble, that he was already down? The same play and there’s only one truth but thousands of fans see it one way and thousands of other fans see it another. It’s the same in politics. Most hard-core Democrats will not see the truth no matter the facts. But if given the opportunity I hope you’ll throw some of the information at them that I shared above because every once in a while you can help a Democrat see the light. The odds are long, but the joy of accomplishing it makes it worthwhile.