Note that a lot of welfare costs are hidden in the system because politicians don’t want to throw everything into one line item in the budget because citizens would notice. Also keep in mind that Welfare fraud is estimated to cost tax payers around $9B annually.
This is a great example of how our government hides welfare costs; In 2008 our Government decided that people with lower incomes should have free cell phones. This was their rationale:
1) For personal emergencies.
2) For protection purposes.
3) So the recipients could search for jobs more easily and/or contact their employer if necessary.
One of my many problems with this is that commercials for the program show a grandmother talking to her grandchildren which isn't a reason the government gave for providing the phones. Why do the phones have nationwide calling as this too doesn’t make sense based on the government’s rationale for why the program is necessary?
I attempted to get answers from both the state and national levels…I even called the White House and spoke to someone at the FCC. The questions I was trying to get answered are:
* Who introduced the legislation?
* Who voted for the legislation?
* How much is it costing the U.S. tax payers?
I finally got to the right person at the FCC and asked my questions. He said it wasn’t voted on because it wasn’t a tax. I asked him where the money came from to support the free cell phones since it didn't come from taxes and he went on to explain they had cell phone companies increase the Universal Service Fees on our phone bill. I asked him where the Service Fees go and he said back to the FCC. So I said that sounds like a tax to me; he said no it’s a fee. I told him that if you take money from taxpayers without us knowing about, without us given an opportunity to voice our opinions, without us knowing who voted for it, etc., that is the definition of fraud and certainly taxation without representation.
At the end of our conversation even he admitted that it should be reviewed. Please contact your Federal Representatives and demand answers as to how this could’ve happened. Tell them that you believe it’s fraud and that you’d like for them to explain it to you if it isn’t. Then ask them how and when they're going to take care of it.