When Obama was running against McCain one of the major issues the Democratic Party and the media kept cramming down everyone’s throats is that gas prices were high because
Republicans were in bed with oil companies. They said Republican economic and foreign policies were complete failures because our economy was crippled because of the price of gas. While on the campaign trail Senator Obama often gave stories about struggling Americans. One guy couldn’t afford to even drive to a job interview. One teacher couldn’t teach anymore because she couldn’t afford the gas it took to get to work. The issue of oil prices wasn’t just a side note to their campaign it was a major issue. You can go to YouTube and find all kinds of videos from heavy hitter democrats tearing up the Republican Party for how they were destroying America because of letting oil prices get out of control.
Now what is the state of our union? Gas prices under George Bush averaged $1.87 a gallon. The democrats touted that this amount was twice what it was ten years prior so they blamed Bush for allowing it to increase so much. I don’t know about you but I’d take $1.87 in a heartbeat. Under President Obama gas prices have more than doubled and in some states have gone over $4.00 a gallon. Oops, based on what the democrats said to get Obama elected they’ve got some explaining to do.
Enter the embarrassing spin machine by the Democrats and the media. Apparently high gas prices are now a good thing for America. I know you’re thinking to yourself: “No they didn’t!” Oh, yes they did! Here’s why they say that high gas prices are actually good for us:
1) Because people have been driving less there have been less accidents and deaths.
2) High oil prices provide jobs. CBS said that it pushes more companies to pursue alternative fuel/power for automobiles.
3) ABC News said that some experts consider the high gas prices “A blessing in disguise.”Their reporter said that around 1,100 people a month will be saved from carbon monoxide poisoning because of less cars on the road. How in the world could they possibly know that 1,100 people a month will be saved? It’s disgusting that researches spew out garbage like this in order to support a political party.
This blog is called Gas Price Hypocrisy. I’ve seen a lot of things during my political experiences but this whole issue is right up there at the top. Democrats were livid in the speeches they gave about how Republicans were destroying America because they couldn’t put a lid on gas prices. They said Republican policies were all wrong and that they were
in bed with oil companies; all of these accusations backed up by the high price of fuel at $1.87 a gallon!
So now all of a sudden we should“count our blessings” and be “optimistic” about high gas prices because it’s actually a good thing for America. This reminds me of John Stossel’s show:“Give me a break!” What they’re doing is so blatant. They must think the average American is an idiot. I hate what the Democrats are doing but I hate the media even more
for not caring about integrity in their news coverage. There are certainly thousands of economics professors who’d disagree with high gas prices being a good thing but they certainly didn’t interview them.
Someone once said tongue in cheek:“I’m a politician; of course you can’t trust me. When I’m not kissing a baby I’m trying to steal her lollypop.” Sadly enough, our expectations are very low as to the credibility of politicians on both sides of the aisle. But when we can no longer trust news organizations to give us unbiased facts not their biased opinions, they are no longer of any use to us.
I can’t begin to tell you how upset this issue makes me. My family was democrats so I was one until I got in my 20’s and started figuring out how the world works. I don’t know who democrats are any more. The stuff they’re pulling like this gas price situation makes me so glad I left their party. I hope more of them figure out they should be ashamed at their tactics of hate, lies, and misinformation. I know Republicans aren’t perfect but I definitely consider them by far the lesser of two evils!