It also began to be used in the 1600's to track down criminals. In the 19th and 20th centuries people began using it to find water as various droughts occurred. Its use was fairly widespread during the dustbowl in the 1930's as charlatans would go from farm to farm and town to town, selling their services. The reason most could get away with it is that it took so long to dig back then that the individual would be well on his way before the victims realized they'd been had.
Divining rods were first used as an attempt to find metals in the 1500's. Martin Luther got into a little trouble with the church for allowing it to be done once, because the church thought it was an evil practice.
It also began to be used in the 1600's to track down criminals. In the 19th and 20th centuries people began using it to find water as various droughts occurred. Its use was fairly widespread during the dustbowl in the 1930's as charlatans would go from farm to farm and town to town, selling their services. The reason most could get away with it is that it took so long to dig back then that the individual would be well on his way before the victims realized they'd been had. If I were to teach a class to young couples thinking about getting married, I'd attempt to make it simple. Give your spouse a kiss every morning and every night before you go to bed and tell them you're the luckiest person in the world. Then go out and act like you believe it.
I don't believe there's a single person I know who hasn't mentioned we need to clean up D.C. Drain the swamp and that means both parties. We talk about it a lot but don't have realistic answers. By far, a majority of Americans support term limits but have you noticed no legislation has hit the House floor for an up or down vote? Let that sink in. Our current "representatives," aren't representing our wishes and instead are concerned about remaining in power as long as they can. I'm generalizing as I know there are a lot of great people up there.
Anyhow, I believe I have a solution that would address our needs. Start forcing the issue of only voting for candidates, when you can, who have served in the military and have received a honorable discharge. Did you know that a small fraction of those serving prison time, served in the military? Do you believe that most veterans have more integrity and a much harder work ethic, than our representatives in D.C.? I certainly do. Approval ratings of the work that is being done in the House and Senate are in the tank; even President Trump has a much higher approval. We only have so much power as citizens but we definitely do when it comes to our voting habits. We need to get engaged and change the landscape in D.C. We owe it to ourselves and the generations behind us. One of the problems with the word "love," these days is that too many young people throw it out without much thought and it has lost its' value.
A couple of days ago, the mainstream media shared a poll from Monmouth College. Many times Monmouth provides very anti-Republican research, so one day I investigated their polling and did so again for this last poll and I read their multi-page report.
Once again, the news media is out of their minds. The polling Monmouth College (New Jersey), conducted only included 800 people across the U.S. No, that wasn't a typo, only 800 people! This is .00003% of registered voters. This is a great example of how untrustworthy the mainstream media has become. The number polled wouldn't be considered viable in any legitimate research firm. The media knows no one is going to check what they say or the articles they write using these absurd sources. I hate to say it, but the best thing we can do when we see any political reports, is to treat them as fiction. The bias is horrific and ethical standards in the news media, no longer exists. It's all about political agendas and no one is going to let the truth get in the way of pushing them. Here's how democrats roll. They're livid that the Trump Administration is going to take over $200 million dollars from FEMA's budget to help the crisis at the border including adding more facilities and improving the ones in existence. Not having enough beds is becoming a huge problem. This is what Chuck Schumer said about what Trump's doing:
"Taking these critical funds from disaster preparedness & recover efforts threatens lives & weakens the government's ability to help Americans in the wake of natural disasters. Congress appropriated these funds to meet the American PEOPLE'S priorities and I strong oppose this effort to undermine our constitutional authority." It seems he somehow forgot (tongue in cheek), what the Obama Administration did just five years ago. In August 2014 (during hurricane season), they took $268 million from FEMA and $32 million from the Coast Guard's maintenance funding, to use on the southern border. In all, they got their hands on a little more than $400 million dollars to help border patrol and I.C.E. In other words, Obama did the very same thing Trump is doing and took even more from FEMA. Where was the outrage from Democrats then? Where were the negative articles about Obama? Where were the pictures of the terrible conditions at the border, including children in cages, when Obama was in office? Their double-standards are outrageous. Democrats and the mainstream media know what Obama did but they don't care. They're willing to lie, it makes no difference to them. They know that many members of their party won't fact check anything and will accept anything they hear without using common sense and logic. They've got them exactly where they want them. It's time for some church talk. :) These are just my opinions so please don't get riled up because we're all entitled to them. I think we shouldn't go to and/or pick a church because we like the preacher and what he says, that we like the music program, that it isn't crowded so if we show up late, there's still a good seat, that parking is convenient, that our friends go there, etc. All the above are selfish reasons.
We should go to church because it shows God we love him. That we're willing to take a little bit of our busy lives and pay him attention. There are only so many ways we can show that we appreciate, love, and respect him, and one of the best ways is to give him some of our time that he actually gave us in the first place. If you told your grandmother that you've been too busy and haven't had time to call or stop by, but she knew you had been getting out doing fun things like going out to dinner, seeing a movie, going to a barbeque, etc., how would she feel? Would she feel loved? Would she feel like she matters? Of course not. In my opinion, God is no different in this regard. If we rarely call him (prayer), and don't stop by and see him (church, where two or more are gathered to worship), why in the world would he believe us? The Bible whether the Old or New Testament, is a message of less talk and more action. I'm in no way saying that people must go to church to get to heaven. I'm just saying that if you care about outwardly demonstration some love to him, you might want to think all of this post over. Just some things to think about. Defying common sense and logic once again, some liberals are stark raving mad that former White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, is on "Dancing With the Stars." ABC has received hate mail wanting them to kick Spicer off the show. Why are they up in arms? Because they say Spicer lied when he was in the White House?
I think they're right. I believe there were times when Spicer was providing cover for the Trump Administration. What a shocker! They know that the Obama Administration received political cover from Jay Carney, Josh Ernest, and Robert Gibbs at times. If you go to YouTube and plug in any of their names you'll see times where the lies were so blatant that they couldn't help giggle along with the Press Corp. It's not even just the press secretaries who lie, we hear lies every day from the presidential candidates and President Trump. President Obama lied countless times. How in the world can these liberals go off on Spicer when they have no moral authority? They're all horrific. We couldn't get away with their moral character in the private sector. At church today, I saw a young family with a little girl, probably around six, and her little brother who was probably around 4. During church he was driving her crazy. He'd pinch her leg. He'd shoulder bump her. He kept trying to make her scoot down the pew. He tickled her neck. She was handling it like a pro but she did give him several mean looks. I couldn't help but think to myself that it was probably just a couple of years earlier when she was all excited about getting a little brother.
For you older folks out there, you probably remember Angie Dickson from her famous television show: Police Woman, where she played the character of Sergeant Pepper Anderson who was an undercover agent for the Los Angeles Police Department. The show first aired in 1974, on NBC, and ran for four years. As you can imagine, it was well ahead of its time from a cultural perspective because it had a female lead character in a crime television series.
Angie grew up in North Dakota and she fell in love with movies because she could watch as many as she wanted since her father was the projectionist at the only theater in town. Her family moved to California when she was 10, and because Angie was a mental giant, she graduated high school when she was just 15 years old. She then went on to earn a business degree and while attending college married a professional football player named Gene Dickinson (Angie’s maiden name was Brown). She went from college to working for Lockheed Air Terminal (now called Bob Hope Airport). To earn extra money, she entered a beauty pageant and a Hollywood producer noticed her and convinced her to become an actress. She trained for a couple of years and then got a big break when someone introduced her to Frank Sinatra which led to her playing his wife in a huge movie called: Ocean’s Eleven. It later became a remake of course with Brad Pitt and George Clooney where she made a cameo appearance. Angie went on to take part in 56 movies with the last one occurring in 2004. Some of the movies were blockbusters including Ocean’s Eleven, of course, such as Rio Bravo and Dressed to Kill. She appeared on 68 television shows including Gun Smoke, Perry Mason, Wagon Train, The Fugitive, The Virginian, and Diagnosis Murder. The last television show she appeared on was Judging Amy in 2004. This is the last year she appeared in a movie role as well. She has been able to move on to her passion of being a professional poker player. She’s been travelling to Vegas for tournaments for decades. Angie had one daughter named Nikki, who struggled with a variety of illnesses both mental and physical. She had Asperger's Syndrome and vision impairment but was still able to get a college degree. Unfortunately, she took her own life at the age of 40. Angie was married to Gene Dickinson for eight years then she married the very famous, Burt Bacharach, who is one of the greatest music artists of all time. They were married for sixteen years and divorced in 1981. She hasn’t remarried. She’s a superstar in more ways than one. There’s no doubt in my mind that with her brilliance she could’ve run a Fortune 500 company if she wanted. The glass ceiling wouldn’t have had a chance. She’s 87 years old and is living in North Dakota. By the way, even though she strayed for a while, she’s a very strong Christian woman. |
Author: John Mann |