Instead of shaking pom poms over everything liberal I ask that they be just as scrupulous and ask hard questions like they do to conservative politicians and their ideas. If they would do their homework and provide insight into the true costs of various Liberal ideas and not just the benefits they would provide a tremendous service to our country. Like with Obama Care and how it is tanking our budget and running up the deficit. Sure millions more people have medical insurance (which is what the media focuses on), but can the Federal Government sustain an increased subsidizing of the insurance to keep the program alive? The numbers clearly reflect no, and more and more Democrats are admitting this and want to revisit Obama Care.
I love analytics and research but even someone who doesn't could've quickly calculated in Excel that the amount of money Obama was putting into the Stimulus Bill, would cost the government close to $40,000 just to create each job. Anyhow, don't take my word for it, you can quickly Google "How successful was the Stimulus Plan" and get the bad news.
All I’m asking for is more balanced coverage of economics and politics by the mainstream media. I'm asking that they go back to their roots and what they learned in college about journalism. They could truly be a major influence towards making our country number one again.