Most people have strong feelings towards Ben Stiller whether good or bad and he is the star of this film along with Director and Executive Producer. Because of the way he looks and the roles he plays a lot of people think he’s not very intelligent when he’s actually one of the most brilliant directors and producers in Hollywood. Even if you might not be a big fan of his the messages you’ll get from this film could be life changing.
I won’t share too much about the movie as it’s the kind where you need to see it play out but Walter (Ben Stiller), has worked at Life Magazine for 16 years where he was in charge of cleaning pictures from the field to see which ones the magazine wanted to use. He had a great relationship with a famous field photographer that Life Magazine used played by Sean Penn; he did a great job in the film.
Life Magazine was shutting down its printing division and going totally digital which meant most of the people were being fired; the transition team from the digital group had no compassion. The final print publication was a huge deal and Mitty lost the picture to be used for the front cover and had to try and track the photographer down who was constantly moving from one dangerous area to another.
Like I said I can’t share too much as it’s best to see in person to get the most out of it. These are just a few of the lessons I learned (and re-learned), by watching this movie:
1) It’s okay to be different. If you’re like everyone else then what value do you bring? I don’t want a bunch of people in my life who are the same I want people who are interesting. I already know my angle on things I want someone else’s. We have to tweak our personalities to fit in at places like work but I promise you it will be one of your greatest regrets if you conform throughout your life. God made us who we are so it’s not a good idea to tell him he messed up.
2) Sometimes it takes just one event to happen in our lives or one event we create in our lives that positively changes everything. If you’re playing the odds in Vegas creating change is a much better pick.
There’s way more than the above so I hope you’ll rent the movie to find out how much more wisdom is in there. How often do you get the chance to enjoy watching a film and at the same time enjoy the messages?