Congress did finally raise the direct relief amount but they did what they do and loaded the Bill with special interests. Of course they didn't do it and instead have come up with legislation which includes crazy, pork galore, such as sending $10 million dollars to Pakistan for gender studies. That's right. Dems threw all kinds of SJW money into the pot. How in the world does this gender study help you and me in the here and now, for the horrific situation we're in? It doesn't.
And what really scares me is that Democrats want control of the Senate so they can make even crazier policy changes such as reparations for African Americans which would pretty much destroy race relations in our country. It's like Dems are intentionally trying to take our country down. Is it on purpose? Is it naivety? Is it complete ignorance and lack of common sense and logic? if they win the two seats in Georgia, they'll have what they need to transform our country. Do you want our country transformed? I hope not because although we aren't perfect, we are a great example to the rest of the world. We are a bright light for humanity.
Not only will Dems bankrupt us, they'll also pass legislation that causes division among U.S. citizens over identity politics. They're masters at getting one group to attack another. They have women in their Party attacking men who have done absolutely nothing wrong except for I guess being born male. And I'm not just talking about men who are Republicans because as we've seen, white men in the Democratic Party have been given a seat in the proverbial "back of the bus." Why many of them haven't already left for a different political Party, is beyond me. The way they take a verbal beating time and time again for being "allegedly," disgusting men who want to hold women back, without debating their Party's ridiculous points, embarrasses me and I'm not even a Democrat.
Their calls for unity over this election is laughable. Do they not know how absurd they sound? They shouldn't worry, I'll be just as nice to Biden as Dems were to Trump. That's only fair, right? Let's start with a long and expensive, investigation over the Biden's being spies for China. Hey, there's more evidence of this than Trump being a spy for Russia so I say let's dig into the story. Nobody in Trump's world took diamonds from leaders of another country (incognito), and then not reported it, like Hunter did. Let's dig into the people who are in Biden's family and who work for him to make sure they aren't spies either.
Normally I'm not up for all this investigating stuff because it's mostly a political game, I'm just trying to be fair in how Biden gets treated compared to Trump because that's the kind of guy I am. :)