All of the presidential candidates are saying they’ll bring jobs to African American communities. How are they going to do this? Some things to think about: 1) Roughly 50% of these communities have high school degrees which means they’re not qualified for anything but minimum wage. 2) An average welfare recipient receives over $27,000 in total benefits so why should they actually work for around $17,000 in minimum wages? 3) Some don’t want to work no matter what. 4) Better companies that pay more than minimum wage have been literally burned moving in to some of these communities…,CVS being a good example; it’s still closed…they screwed over seniors who live in their communities. 5) Most don’t have a car so they have to take the bus for better job opportunities. If you or I were running late to work we’d get in our car and put the pedal to the metal. If someone misses the bus, he or she is out of luck. How long would an employer put up with someone running late? Anyhow, way more to it than some of the things I listed. Regardless of what these politicians are saying, they have no real fixes they’re either lying or naive.
One of my favorite stories from the Bible is when a lady was said to have committed adultery and she was going to be stoned to death. Jesus saw what was happening and in so many words said go ahead but there was one caveat: “He who is without sin cast the first stone.” The crowd began looking down and eventually they began dropping the stones and walked away.
We shouldn’t judge someone negatively just because his sins are different than our own. We certainly aren’t qualified to judge. The beauty of this is when we follow this mentality the relationships in our lives become so much better. So let’s step down from our pedestals and make a positive difference. |
Author: John Mann |