Apparently Madonna got drunk and couldn't remember the words to some of her songs. Anyhow, here's where I need help. The first teenager when asked about the concert said that "it blowed." Then another teenager was asked the same question she said "it sucked." I don't have a teenager so I don't know who to believe..., did it suck or did it blow? Can it do both? I did hear one kid say it was "good." Of course what does this mean, good compared to what, a dentist appointment? Well that would suck. Or would it? Maybe it would blow? I don't know anymore, I'm completely confused. #confusedbyteens#IwascoolwhenIwasateen#atleastIthoughtso#delirious
I heard a couple of teenagers talking about a Madonna concert (I didn't know she was still touring...isn't she like 70?)...not that there's anything wrong with that.
Apparently Madonna got drunk and couldn't remember the words to some of her songs. Anyhow, here's where I need help. The first teenager when asked about the concert said that "it blowed." Then another teenager was asked the same question she said "it sucked." I don't have a teenager so I don't know who to believe..., did it suck or did it blow? Can it do both? I did hear one kid say it was "good." Of course what does this mean, good compared to what, a dentist appointment? Well that would suck. Or would it? Maybe it would blow? I don't know anymore, I'm completely confused. #confusedbyteens#IwascoolwhenIwasateen#atleastIthoughtso#delirious A lot of things to consider in reference to what came out today, I've listed four below.
1) Now it has come out that although Hillary volunteered to speak to the FBI it was only if it wasn't recorded and that she wouldn't be put under oath. Think about it. Why would the FBI allow her to dictate components of their investigation? There is an EXTREME double standard when it comes to everyday citizens and those at the top. Hillary is corrupt and Democrats don't care. This is what our nation has gotten to...character no longer matters. History proves as morals go so goes the civilization. If you aren't scared, you should be. 2) Hillary will be potentially indicted for the perjury she committed at her Benghazi hearing and what was found in the FBI investigation. The committee first has to send a formal request for the FBI to investigate the matter and as we all know the evidence of her lying about her email server is everywhere even the Democrats know this. It will probably take the FBI a little time to investigate the perjury charge (it shouldn't), so if Hillary is elected President it will lead to at the very least her impeachment. It will become another first....the first husband and wife to be impeached. 3) FBI Director Comey said he wasn't part of the interview with Clinton on Saturday AND they didn't put her under oath. If they did, they would have her on two counts obstruction of justice and for giving false testimony. Representative Trey Gowdy nailed Comey by proving Clinton had ill intent to hide information by giving ten examples of things she did, yet Comey came back and said it was prose curial discretion on his part that he thought she didn't have ill intent. Forget proof. Bottom line, the law just doesn't apply when it comes to politicians even when the illegality is BLATANT. 4) The Director had to admit that if Hillary worked for the FBI she'd possibly be terminated and that if she attempted to get a job with the FBI the background check of her reckless handling of classified material she would probably not get a job with the FBI. He said that just because he didn't think they should prosecute that Clinton should still be considered for severe punishment within department rules. Will she suffer some form of, they can't fire her from the State Department. Why in the world would we make her President of the United States when she isn't deserving (and might not get), a security clearance? There are a lot of old proverbs that we use which over time many of us have forgotten where they were came from or didn’t know in the first place. I’m providing five of them that I think are particularly interesting.
In wrapping up, there are probably thousands of Proverbs and I only gave you five in order to keep this article short. The next time you use an old proverb think about whether or not you really know its meaning and where it actually came from…the answer is just a Google click away. This is what being a Knowledge Seeker is all about. I’m a dog lover and have two dachshunds one red female called Sassy Girl (she deserves the name), and her black and tan brother called Shadow. They’re sweet dogs and are pretty much our children. But the fact is, dogs weren’t initially bred for purposes of providing a family with love instead they were bred to provide services of hunting and militarily assistance.
War dogs were used by many civilizations including the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. With the exception of Doberman Pinchers the dogs used back in those days aren’t the same as are standard now like German Shepherds and Pit Bulls which are used for protection purposes. Among the Greeks and Romans, dogs served most often as sentries or patrols, though they were sometimes taken into battle. The earliest use of war dogs in a battle on record was back in 600 BC in the area of Greece. Attila the Hun used dogs in his campaigns back in 434 A.D. Other civilizations used armored dogs to defend caravans or attack enemies. The Spanish conquistadors used armored dogs that had been trained to kill natives. Later on, Frederick the Great used dogs as messengers during the Seven Years' War with Russia. Napoleon also used dogs during his campaigns. War dogs were used up until around 1770 in France where they guarded naval installations. The first official use of dogs for military purposes in the United States was during the Seminole War in 1816. Hounds were used in the American Civil War to protect, send messages, and guard prisoners. They were also used as mascots in World War I for recruiting posters. Today, dogs are used in a variety of capacities for law enforcement (i.e. chasing down criminals on the run, sniffing out drugs, etc.). So although my dogs just lay around the house, many dogs are busy working. Anyhow, people treat their pets, especially dogs, like family members but they weren’t always around for just “love” purposes. They provided pivotal roles from a military perspective for over 2,000 years. A lot of people have mentioned to me that I should go into politics because the subject interests me so much but there’s no way I’d ever do it as I wouldn’t be able to deal with the frustrations of the games they play. Our economy today and in the future for our children and their children will make the difference as to whether or not we will be a good country to live and prosper in. Our politicians will dictate our future and I think we all know it’s a scary situation to be in because we certainly aren’t in good hands.
I don’t care for the Democrat or Republican Party but I associate with a more conservative ideology so I’m a registered Republican. Unfortunately being an Independent or a Libertarian is pretty much a waste of time because they don’t have the leverage in most elections to get a candidate in place and make a difference in the House and Senate. I know there are good politicians but they’re involved in a game that has completely gone awry. Neither party truly represents the people anymore but instead they represent their own interests (this is why they fight so hard each re-election period). Anytime it gets to the point where the best jobs are better in the public sector than the private sector the system has turned upside down. Most government jobs not only have better retirement plans and job security (which has been their selling point for years), but now they provide on average 27% more income than private sector jobs. One example is that an average Federal government employee makes around $76,000 a year while an average soldier makes $38,000; in this case working for the government is twice as profitable as risking your life and serving your country. The disparity between the private and public sector incomes is disgusting and even an average student could understand this leads to bankruptcy which we’re getting very close to reaching. We’re actually there now but that’s a whole other article. I attack Democrats pretty hard sometimes (well a lot of times), and none more so than Clinton and the Obama Administration but I would like it known that I don’t dislike Democrats. There’s no way I think they’re trying to tear our nation apart they just have an overall (I agree with some things), ideology that I don’t agree with. I have friends and some family members who are Democrats and I find it fun to banter back and forth. The bottom line is if everyone agreed with me life would be pretty boring and pretty screwed up because I certainly know I’m not right about everything. So at the end of the day, I think the best thing I can do as a citizen is to not serve in government but to be involved in the system. My representatives in Raleigh, North Carolina and D.C. (I’ve travelled there to meet with them about various issues), know who I am and I comment on legislation frequently. I also have them provide feedback as to exactly what they’re going to do (or not do), to address my concerns. They work for me and I make sure they know this. Your representatives need to know who you are if you are to do your job as an effective citizen of the United States. You’ve seen what happens when you don’t voice your opinion why not get engaged in the process and at least give it a shot. It’s easy to sit back and complain but I think it’s important that we do what we can (no matter how small it might seem), to make a positive difference for ourselves and even more importantly for the future of our children and grandchildren. As it is now, things aren’t looking too good for them…the system is broken and we bear at least a part of the blame. We’ve set back and hoped for the best and it has spiraled out of control on us. The Supreme Court no longer interprets the Constitution but instead just votes along party lines. Trying to get a Bill passed in the House and the Senate is like pulling teeth as both parties attack each other non-stop. They won’t pass a surplus budget which is the only way to pay down our debt and prevent bankruptcy. The Executive Branch is bypassing Congress right and left in order to try and push legislation; which in some ways I don’t blame Obama because the House and Senate sure aren’t doing anything. I apologize if it seems like I’ve been all over the place with this article, my goal is to hopefully convince you that we can make a positive difference by getting involved; we don’t have to become a politician to make a positive difference in politics. If you’re pleased with how things are going in Washington then that’s okay but if you’re not, something needs to change. One thing I can promise you at this point is that doing your civic duty by just voting isn’t going to cut it with our political system crumbling as fast as it is. I’d be neglect if I didn’t mention that the best thing we can do for our country is to pray for it on a daily basis. God bailed the Israelites out of problem after problem so he can do the same for us. I’ve provided a link below that will allow you to find who your representatives are and it gives you their phone numbers and email addresses so it’s very easy to get involved and let your representatives know how you feel. I’d have their phone numbers on your contact list and if you hear about something on the news that makes you mad give them a call or send an email about how you feel about the topic. I’ve also provided a phone number to the White House and they’ll get you to the right department to address your ideas/concerns. White House Phone Number: (202) 456-1414 Attila the Hun was the ruler of the Huns from 434 until his death in March 453. He was the leader of the Hunnic Empire on the territory of Central and Eastern Europe. When most people hear his name it invokes thoughts of a vicious conqueror but he was more known for taking on extreme odds in the number of soldiers they would fight in various wars and the fact that he and his men didn’t have the weapons that Rome had yet still posted many victories against them. They were like David taking on Goliath.
He was one of the most feared enemies of the Roman Empire constantly attacking at various locations in the east and the west but was never able to take the larger cities of Constantinople or Rome which began to negatively affect his image/reputation. He tried to invade Roman Gaul (France), and was also beaten. But the carnage to and from all these major cities was devastating and citizens of the Roman Empire were in an uproar that their leaders couldn’t stop Atilla from disrupting their lives. He planned further campaigns against the Romans as he never gave up trying to sack Rome but died in 453 of strange circumstances. He was at a wedding feast where he was marrying yet another bride and all of a sudden his nose started bleeding and he fell to the floor and died. There’s much speculation regarding his death but poisoning was definitely one of the primary theories. The Hunnic Empire only lasted a few years after Atilla died. A once close friend of his actually led the attack against the Huns and was able to topple the empire. I’m shocked that Bernie has done so well as I thought he’d be out months ago. In one poll it showed where 47% of Americans are okay with Socialism. This scares me. My guess is that there weren’t many Republicans on that list. The Greatest Generation would never have considered getting more than they paid in but now a lot of people (more so young), are just fine taking from others (entitlement mentality). Not all young people of course but there’s a severe case of selfishness going on now and it can lead to the demise of our nation.
Bernie believes in free health care for all completely sponsored by Federal and State governments. He believes in endless unemployment benefits. He believes in free college tuition. He believes in relieving all student loan debt. I’ll leave it at this but the bottom line is he believes that government is the answer to all social issues. The question has always been how is he going to pay for it? I’ve researched this issue for several months and a large majority of analysts say that he can’t based on what he says he’s going to do. His tax plan doesn’t pan out. There aren’t enough people at the top that he can increase income taxes on to pay for his additional spending (even if he taxed them at 90% which would be ridiculous), instead it would require increasing taxes on the middle-class. As it is now, we aren’t collecting enough in tax revenues to meet our current budget so we’re $19 trillion in debt and climbing. The bottom line is his tax plan will not pay for the additional spending he’s pushing. From what I’ve researched the best case scenario was that our budget would triple but I did see where several analysts said it would grow six times which would tank our economy in a little more than a year. Investors around the world would know what direction our economy was going should Socialism become the norm in the United States. Money would be pulled out of our market and good luck convincing people to invest. Investment is what has been keeping our economy afloat in the first place which is a scary scenario. This would be like in your household if the only reason you didn’t go under is that you used credit cards throughout the year to pay bills. Not a long-term strategy for success instead it leads to bankruptcy. I’m not afraid that Bernie will become President of the United States but I am afraid of the socialist mentality that is seeping into our society. We’ve been the most successful civilization in the world since our humble beginnings back in 1776. We are the country everyone has been trying to migrate to because of opportunities. Why have we had this kind of success (besides being God fearing), it’s due to Capitalism. People don’t flood borders to get into socialist countries because they don’t want to get a job making $30,000 a year and having to pay $20,000 in taxes. Now I do have to say the best way to slow down immigration and not even have a need for a huge wall is to go with socialism…they won’t want to come. Not a good strategy but it would work. I don’t know what it will take to prevent socialism from taking over our country. More and more people are getting a mentality of what’s in it for me. They have no concern at all about taking from someone else. I hate to say it but I’m glad I’m at the back end of my time on Earth. The statistics below are applicable to 2016 through June 15th. I provide them to try and provide a little insight as the news is filled with people on the left and the right fighting over mass murders in the U.S. There’s no doubt that things like what happened in Orlando are tragic and that we should look for possible solutions (I think it has more to do with mental health than the types of weapons), but how do they compare to all deaths which occur in the U.S.
Abortions 501,325 Heart Disease 282,038 Cancer 271,640 Cancer from Tobacco 160,680 Obesity Complications 140,939 Medical Errors 115,439 Respiratory Disease 65,623 Accidental 62,460 Strokes 61,106 Alcohol 45,908 Hospital Infections 45,449 Alzheimer’s 42,943 Diabetes 35,114 Influenza 25,354 Kidney Failure 19,631 Drunk Driving 15,521 Blood Infection 15,363 Unintentional Poisoning 14,580 Drug Abuse 11,479 Prescription Drug Abuse 6,886 Gun Related Murders 5,276 (20% comes from L.A. County) We had a saying at work that went: “Fish where the fish are” which meant we should focus on the impactful areas in order to make a positive difference. There are many areas listed above that deserve a greater emphasis than fighting over the use of guns. Democrats are like a dog with a bone when it comes to the 2nd Amendment. I wish they’d put more passion into preventing babies that have a heartbeat from being aborted/murdered. What happened in Orlando is absolutely tragic and of course has led to all kinds of political fighting between conservatives and liberals but there is something I’d like for you to think about. There have been more gun related murders in Los Angeles by illegal Hispanic immigrants (gangs), over the last two years than there have been mass murders like in Orlando and New Town in the last ten years.
This doesn’t take away from how terrible these killings are but I hope this puts things in perspective. At the very least House Democrats should perform a “sit in” for all those police officers in L.A. who must risk their lives to deal with these dangerous illegals. Democrats are trying to make it look like nothing damaging came out of the Benghazi investigation and it's a complete lie. So many terrible issues came up none more so than the Obama Administration attempting to blame the attack on a video and a demonstration that escalated when ALL witnesses on the ground and the CIA analysts said it wasn't true that it was in fact a terrorists attack.
The Director of the CIA said he was embarrassed when he saw Susan Rice on the morning talk shows stating that a video was to blame. Obama was even on the liberal talk show “The View” two weeks after the attack when he certainly knew concretely that it was a terrorist attack yet he blamed the video again. Clinton told the families of the four men who lost their lives that it was a video that caused the attack and that they’d go after the director of the film. All this during a time where they knew via CIA reports and emails (which I’ve seen), that it had absolutely nothing to do with a video that instead it was a planned attack. The very night of the attack an emergency meeting took place (Clinton was there), at the White House and there were ten agenda items five of which were political and had to do with using the video as a narrative to shift the blame from the Obama Administration’s foreign policies. Here men had died and were continuing to die while they met, and they were busy talking about how to save their own hides. Clinton knew that Ambassador Stevens asked for additional security three different times but was turned down. The reason, because it was the policy of the Obama Administration to try and make it look like compounds in Middle-Eastern countries were government friendly. He didn't want to upset the host country by us using our military personnel for security. Instead we had local Libyan security and some of them ran off when the attacks began and some participated. Obama placating Muslim nations has been the modus operandi of his foreign policy and it's proven deadly. By the way, this is an Obama Administration problem not one I’d direct at Secretary Clinton…she was just following orders/policies. I don’t know if she concurred with him. The Obama Administration is saying they couldn't have gotten to the four men who were killed in time to save them (which is probably true), but what they don't mention is that for 13 hours contracted security personnel barely hung on to protect the other 30 people that were still at the compound. They could've been killed as well if it weren't for the now decorated men who saved them. Please see the movie “13 Hours” to appreciate what these brave men did. Many mistakes were made and we need to learn from them. The cover-up is where extreme punishments should be dealt (which does include Clinton). By the way, keep in mind that she said the attack was due to the video and that it wasn't a planned attack yet told Chelsea and the Prime Minister of Egypt immediately that it was a terrorists attack. Why didn’t she say the same to the American people instead she sent Susan Rice to lie on the various talk shows. By the way, why did they send Rice, she had nothing to do with the State Department? If some Democrats don't see a problem with this then they need to admit to themselves that character doesn’t matter to them. They support someone who lied to us and the lie itself is not in question. What does that say about them? What about their integrity? The fact is some Democrats didn't want to negatively affect Obama's re-election campaign so they lied to the American people. If President Bush would’ve done this all hell would’ve broken loose. Where's the accountability? |
Author: John Mann |