1) We take in four times the amount of immigrants than Germany which is in second place and five times as much as Britain. We are the most generous country when it comes to allowing people from other countries in.
2) The U.S. is more multi-cultural than any country in the world.
3) The U.S. ranks extremely low when it comes to U.S. citizens seeking citizenship in other countries. Meaning people don't want to leave.
4) If we weren't a great country, then why do so many people want to live here?
It just blows my mind why so many citizens are angry with our country especially young people who are ignorant to our country's history. Just how bad is it to grow up in the U.S. compared to others? These young people aren't oppressed, they are privileged to be born here which is what we hear from pretty much all the immigrants seeking citizenship.
I want representatives who believe we are a great nation and "why," we are great, so we don't lose the foundation that has successfully sustained us all these years.