Just another example of how Democrats constantly try to divide our country over every issue they can even when they were once on the very same side of the issue. They are never Trumpers and they are shameless.
In 1995, President Bill Clinton and Congress, passed a resolution to move Israel's embassy to Jerusalem thus legitimizing the city as Israel's official capitol. This was never done. Neither President Bush nor President Obama saw it through. Finally a U.S. President follows through on the promise and he's getting attacked by the very same people who approved the resolution.
Just another example of how Democrats constantly try to divide our country over every issue they can even when they were once on the very same side of the issue. They are never Trumpers and they are shameless. There's actually a Bill going on the House Floor in California that would replace our "Presidents' Day" with a celebration of communism called: "International Workers’ Day." No, this isn't fake news. We'd have this holiday in common with Russia.
This is how far left the state of California has become. If for some crazy reason it's approved (it did pass their committee), I think it's time we kick their state out of our Union. This only makes sense as they constantly do things that goes against our U.S. Constitution. Would it hurt our economy at first, yes. California is huge and they pay in a lot towards our tax revenues but they also get a large chunk back from the Federal Government. We'd need to cut back on the federal budget but there's plenty of wasteful spending that we'd finally be forced to address. The bottom line is we could make it work. Most of the citizens of California support socialism; why, I don't have a clue since it hasn't worked anywhere. But if they don't like our system of government then I say God Speed. Democrats are saying they won't support Gina Haspel's appointment to the Director of the CIA because she took part in enhanced interrogation of terrorists after 9/11. Two things: 1) If the roles were reversed and Republicans didn't support her, Democrats would demonize Republicans for being anti-women. As we know Democrats certainly put Party before women as they treat female Republicans horribly. 2) Would they have voted for her if she didn't follow commands and went rogue out in the field? What options did she have? It wasn't her decision to water board; she had to follow orders. So it is a no-win situation with Democrats because they wouldn't have voted for her if she couldn't follow orders. It's all about politics and not about her amazing credentials.
Some Dems are saying that even Senator John McCain doesn't want her appointed but let's face it, he's not of his right mind and had been going down hill over the last three years. He was also tortured in Vietnam so his viewpoint is severely tainted by PTSD when it comes to this topic. There's no doubt in my mind that she'll get appointed so all Democrats have done is embarrass themselves once again by saying things that are so far out of the mainstream that it is nutty. I hope they keep it up, as the mid-terms could be gleefully historic for Republicans. Captain John Smith first wrote about this famous Native American woman because she saved his life. According to Smith, a Jamestown leader, a group of Powhatan’s warriors captured him in December 1607.
He was then taken to Powhatan, who forced him to kneel before him to be executed. Just as Powhatan’s men were about to crack his skull with wooden clubs, Powhatan’s young daughter, Pocahontas, ran and threw her body over Smith’s. She convinced her father to spare his life. Smith was then treated to a huge feast and let go. She later became a Christian and chose to live with the settlers under the name Rebecca. She married a colonist, but unfortunately died at the age of 22 from some sort of disease. She did have a son named Thomas. Needless to say, she and Captain John Smith were besties throughout her short life. The University of Michigan now has a "Bias Response Team" that is responsible for ferreting out speech that might make other students uncomfortable. Students guilty of "biased" speech will be disciplined. This is of course beyond ridiculous and I thought it was a fake story until the Wall Street Journal did an article about it.
How in the world do they regulate "bias"? It's not black and white, instead it's subject to opinion. Students at the University of Michigan are having their 2nd Amendment rights taken away from them as a governing body determines what is and what isn't right to say based on whether or not it would hurt someone's feelings. Even while writing this I find it hard to believe because it's so far out there from common sense. Stories like this are happening all across America at liberal universities. They are in no way getting their students ready for the "real world." Please speak up about 2nd Amendment rights being taken away from these students and please don't send your children to liberal universities. Thanks! Trump has decided to pull out of the Nuclear Agreement with Iran which I love. Keep in mind that although the Obama Administration tried to call it a "Treaty" it never was. An official, binding, treaty must be approved by Congress but instead Obama and Kerry did an end-around them knowing that Congress would've never approved of such a terrible agreement.
Obama wanted the deal desperately to help his legacy as his foreign policy scorecard was one of the lowest in U.S. history. He needed a win and they sold it as such to the American people, but it wasn't. How can you make a deal with a country who believes in killing our citizens? Why in the world would we leave any opportunity for them to create nuclear weapons when we know exactly who they'd launch them towards (Israel and the U.S.)? In the agreement, Iran had military installations that they wouldn't allow inspectors in to see; instead they are allowed to "self-inspect" these facilities and turn in their reports to the United Nation's Security Council. Do you find this as shocking as I do? Just how truthful do you think they'd be? Israel's investigation proved that these very installations were being used to develop nuclear weapons. It would be crazy to allow this to continue. This alone gives Trump every reason to terminate the agreement. Being that it was just an "Agreement," Trump has the authority to end it which is exactly what he did. I for one am proud of finally having a president in office who is controlling foreign policies. Obama had the strategy of leading from behind and it was a disaster. You ever wonder why if we think the Iran Deal is so bad, why are other countries like Germany trying to convince us to stay in it? It's all about money. Germany (and France), do business with Iran in the amount of around $5 billion dollars apiece. If the agreement is changed and greater sanctions are put on Iran, these other countries will lose out substantially. For them, it's a good deal even though Iran will continue a nuclear program. They aren't concerned with being hit by a nuclear missile because they are trade partners. Iran chants "Death to America" so of course we'd be more worried about their nuclear ambitions. Democrats are running around saying that other countries support the agreement, so we should as well, which is an indication that they put politics over country yet again. High heels were originally invented in the 1500's for soldiers so they could more easily shoot arrows off their horses. The heels would wedge onto the stirrup giving them more stability. I guess you could say that this is when cross dressing began. :)
Something Democrats definitely don't want people to know regarding the border wall. Let's say the wall will cost $5 billion. Where does that money go? It certainly doesn't just go up in smoke. The money will go towards employees, services, supplies, etc.
All the money can stay in the U.S. The workers will spend the money they make thus stimulating their local economies. Some of the money will come back in Federal and State income taxes. Some money will come back through payroll taxes. If it weren't a political issue, Democrats would call it an investment and a stimulus plan if Obama wanted to build the wall. The bottom line is Democrats try to focus everyone's attention on the wasteful spending with the hope that U.S. citizens are stupid and don't understand where the money will go. This is how they roll. One of the biggest lies I keep telling myself is: “I don’t need to write this down, I’ll remember it.”
I'm sure you've seen some of the coverage of the White House Press Corp Dinner but if you haven't, and are ready to get real angry, check it out on YouTube. The attacks on Sara Hucklebee Sanders' and Kelly Anne Conway's personal appearance were beyond disgusting. Most news agencies are speaking out about how deplorable the event was which I greatly appreciate.
I did hear one person say that the event is important because they raise money for college scholarships but I found out they raised around $100,000 which is disgusting. There are 3,000 elitists attending the event and all they could do is write a check for around $33 each. Wow, that's embarrassing! Just goes to show the differences between both political parties. If conservatives ran the event they'd never let a "F" bomb comedian treat people the way she did. Yet another example of why I'm forced to be a Republican as I in no way want to be associated with far left liberals who have no ethical boundaries. |
Author: John Mann |