Do they not get that besides these people paying way more in gas prices and gas taxes at every level of government across the Union, that limiting the number of stations will only serve to jack up fuel prices even more as there would be less gas stations competing for business?
This is the ideocracy of the Democratic Party. They aren't going to reduce the number of vehicles using fossil fuels beyond that which the market is already bearing. It is happening naturally. Profitably, like we do in America.
A major problem we have is that representatives don't go to D.C. to represent, they go to fund their social justice coffers. It's easy to get people to donate when they think they're getting something in return. This is one of the reasons why it's so much more difficult running for office as a Republican than a Democrat. Republicans don't have "freebies," to offer...just a rocking economy and jobs.
Quite frankly, Dems don't care as much about these things because they don't bring in money, but bigger government means more spending money so more influence and power. Check the records, did some people connected to the Obama Administration, benefit from Solyndra? Yes. And if you don't think the media was already putting out fake news years ago, consider that they did their very best to bury the Solyndra story to protect Obama.
Could you imagine how hard and fast Democrats and the media would've played it if Trump admitted that the: "Shovel Ready Projects," weren't that shovel ready? Obama laughed about it. Not something to laugh about. Well, I guess pulling one over on the rest of us might be enticing to him and the media making it "No News," is one of the ways they get their jollies.