Any time I try to get answers to important questions about electric vehicles, I can't get them. For example, depending on where you're from, electric companies often tell their customers that they need to cut back on A/C usage to not overwhelm the power grid. If they're already at capacity, then what will happen when most of the vehicles are electric? I certainly don't mind working towards having more electric vehicles I just want the truth about the impact so we can make intelligent decisions.
An absolute tragedy struck when a semi-truck was found abandoned near San Antonio and inside were 51 dead migrants and several in need of immediate care. The temperature was around 100 degrees and there was no water inside the trailer. Apparently, the truck experienced mechanical difficulties and the smugglers took off. The worst case before was 19 deaths and over the last year the total number of deaths at the southern border was 557 which doubles any of the worst years on record. Of course with more people illegally crossing the border it's to be expected that the death toll will rise.
Here's Biden's response: "The incident was horrifying and heartbreaking,” adding, “This incident underscores the need to go after the multi-billion-dollar criminal smuggling industry preying on migrants and leading to far too many innocent deaths.” Biden is a disgusting human being. Every day he lies about why we're experiencing the problems that we're facing. Guess who cracks down on drug smuggling and human trafficking? That would be Border Patrol who democrats do not support and have hurt not only via reduced funding but also through going after them politically by making it look like they are a racist organization even though many of the Border Patrol agents are Hispanic which makes sense because it helps with communication. Remember the lies about the whipping of migrants? How can Border Patrol get the support they need when democrats are demonizing them? So the need has already been underscored President Biden, it's just that your Administration doesn't care. The origins of billiards are still up for debate, although early records by Greek traveler Anacharsis indicate that a very preliminary version was played by Egyptians as early as 400 BC, which was then adopted by the Greeks.
In the 15th century, the earliest record of how the game was played was recorded in a variety of translations so billiards became popular throughout much of Europe. It started as an indoor version of croquet, which could explain why the pool table felt is traditionally green to represent the grass from outside. The spinoff movie from Toy Story, called Lightyear, has flopped in the Box Office even though they've successfully gotten some trade rags to write good reviews. It's actually a shock to Hollywood based on the success of Toy Story.
As they're trying to figure out what happened, let me throw my two cents in. They threw out all common sense and logic by making it a big deal that they had a gay couple kissing in the movie. Think about it, they don't usually show that kind of affection among straight people in this kind of movie, but Hollywood chose to use the movie to normalize gay relationships to children. It is a mission of theirs as we all know. The movie could be good but since they were proud of bringing sexual orientation into their animated movie and bragged about it, a lot of parents have refused to take their children to see it. This is an extremely bad move from both an advertising and public relations standpoint. I don't care for sexual contact of any kind, gay or straight, in an animated movie for children. So, it's not the kissing by a gay couple, it's the fact that Hollywood thinks they need to intervene with the hearts and minds of our children. Practically all commercials, television shows, and movies, have become a classroom for woke topics. I hope Hollywood continues to crash and burn until they produce quality entertainment that doesn't negatively impact the minds of our young people. Don't get me started on their violent video games. Cleopatra by all accounts was an extraordinary, beautiful woman who used it to her advantage to remain in power. She was the last pharaoh because after she died Egypt became part of the Roman Empire.
Cleopatra was part of a Greek Macedonian dynasty that ruled Egypt for a few hundred years starting around the time of Alexander the Great’s death. She could speak Egyptian when she had to but most of the people around her spoke Greek. One of the ways she stayed in power is to create a mystic aura around her as she and her entourage convinced Egyptians that she was the reincarnation of the goddess Isis. Official court documents at that time were written in Greek then translated into Egyptian on what was called the Rosetta Stone; if this sounds familiar to you it's the name of the famous language software program. Unusual for those times and a great indication as to her abilities, Cleopatra’s father allowed her to help him rule when she was just 14. Historians don’t provide good insight into what happened to her mother. When her father died, Cleopatra married her brother because of her father’s wishes. She was 18 and her brother was 10. They co-ruled the kingdom although he mostly stayed out of her way for the first few years. They never had children and by all accounts it was just a marriage to protect their power. If one died, the other would naturally stay in charge. They had one other brother, but he must have been a black sheep because their father had pretty much written him off and Cleopatra made sure to take his name off all official documents. They also had a sister who was a non-factor in running the country. Egypt suffered in many ways during her reign due to economic problems, famine, floods, etc., which caused a lot of political strife as the citizens weren’t happy with her. It would’ve been an easy time for an empire like Rome to take over Egypt, but Cleopatra used her beauty to entice Julius Caesar to help her maintain her power through using Roman soldiers to provide security for her. Egypt had a great relationship with Greece at this time. She had a son with Caesar who she named Caesarion (the translation of the name is little Caesar). Cleopatra was 21 years old at the time while Caesar was 52 and married. This was quite a scandal for Romans not that he was cheating on his wife, but that it was with a Greek who ruled Egypt. When Caesar was brutally murdered one of his generals, Mark Antony, worked to keep the empire stable. Having lost Caesar’s protection, Cleopatra made her move on Mark Antony (she was 28 at the time), and he was completely smitten with her, but he already had a wife. Cleopatra became pregnant by Antony and had twins. He mostly stayed away but then made his way back to her four years later and they got married in Egypt (even though he still had a wife in Rome). They ended up having one more child together. General Antony and a powerful politician and military leader by the name of Octavianus, were keeping things going after Caesar’s death but they began having a lot of arguments about how things should be run, and a civil war ensued. The biggest problem is that Caesar had amassed so much power and pretty much everyone wanted to restructure the government. The senate wanted all their powers back that Caesar had stripped from them. The bottom line is that it wasn’t a matter of just replacing Caesar it was a complete change in government. By this point, Cleopatra named she and Julius’ son Caesarian as co-ruler. There were many people in Rome who thought Cleopatra might try to avenge Caesar’s death and become Queen of Egypt and the Roman Empire. Some of these rumors were just meant to get support to go after Mark Antony kept as the two were connected. Antony had a lot of followers from Rome and Cleopatra used her resources to help him including money to fund the army and her naval fleet, but they kept losing key battles. After the war appeared to be over because his army was taking a beating, Mark Antony committed suicide. There’s a lot of confusion over what happened to Cleopatra after she found out Antony was dead. Most historians believe she committed suicide through taking poison (possibly snake venom). Her son Caesarion became the ruler of Egypt, but Octavianus had him killed not long after Cleopatra’s death and Egypt became part of the Roman Empire. This was the end of Pharaohs. Some of Cleopatra’s children survived and ended up living under Roman rule. In almost everything I’ve read about Cleopatra it said she was strikingly beautiful and had the charm and wit to bend men to her will. She wasn’t a brilliant ruler, but she was an incredible politician. First of all, anyone pushing the idea that abortions will no longer be available in the U.S. is either extremely ignorant about our Constitution or is lying to support their agenda. Why are they so mad that it's being kicked back to the states for the citizens and their legislators to decide when life begins, because that's what it's boiling down to at this point? One state might outlaw abortions after 15 weeks while another might limit abortions to ten weeks. California of course will try to get away with whatever they can even offering abortions up until a baby is born. So anyhow, it's a huge lie that abortions have been outlawed by the Supreme Court.
Next, isn't it amazing that Hollywood runs around like they're the King of Woke when every independent study list violence in gaming and in movies and television are major factors in gun violence. Every young man over the last 12 violent mass shootings was an avid watcher of violent movies and television shows and they were pretty much addicted to violent video games. Psychiatrists state that young people get desensitized to violence which includes assaults, murders, rapes, etc. I think it's time to use the same tactics against the game and film industry to shut them down. Why not, they started it. By the way there have been countless hearings about violence on television and in each case, it was easily proven that it hurts young minds, but our politicians have chosen not to do anything about it. Well, I guess they did give us the ridiculous rating system (i.e., G, PG, R, etc.). This video is legendary for several reasons, first and foremost being who joined his band for the video which includes Jeff Lynn (ELO), George Harrison, Ringo Starr, etc. As a side note, seeing Tom Petty was one of the best concerts I've ever attended. He really knew how to put on a performance. A lot of people are familiar with the great running back Jim Brown who attended Syracuse University before being drafted by the Cleveland Browns where he shattered NFL rushing records, but a lot of people aren't as familiar with the young athlete who filled his shoes at Syracuse by the name of Ernie Davis. Not only did Ernie lead Syracuse to their first national championship over the University of Texas he was also the first African America to win a Heisman.
The Redskins had the first shot at Ernie in the draft but they passed because their GM didn't want a black athlete so Cleveland snagged him up. Could you imagine Jim Brown and Ernie Davis in the same backfield?! Unfortunately, Ernie never got to play in the NFL as he became extremely ill and doctors figured out he had leukemia. He died at the age of 23. From what I've read he was such an outstanding young man. I wrote this article to help his story live on…he deserves it. In my opinion, Karen Carpenter (1950 - 1983) had one of the most beautiful voices ever, both past and present. Hope you enjoy: |
Author: John Mann |