How quickly would a family of illegals find a place to stay? How quickly would they get employment? How can they take care of themselves with minimum wage jobs? How can they get healthcare services when their employer more than likely doesn't provide healthcare? They go to ER's of course. Paying federal and state taxes off a minimum wage job or in most cases not paying any taxes at all, doesn't begin to cover the costs of providing a child an education from K1 - K12. Their children are in our educational system while not paying anything towards these benefits (a.k.a. welfare). This negatively impacts our school systems. School districts across our country are in horrific shape through not having enough schools or teachers, so an influx of a few hundred thousands of children every year will only serve to reduce the quality of our education system and increase our costs .
With all the above in mind (and I only covered a fraction), they are receiving welfare. Either these Democrats are ignorant and don't understand the above, or they do know what's going on and just want to lie about the issue to push their illegal immigration narrative. I'll let you decide.