1) California has a ban on a lot of plastic goods including grocery bags and they get tons of it washing up on various parts of their shores. Here's what they don't want their constituents to know and that is that less than 1% comes from the U.S. while almost all of it comes from Southern Asia especially China, Indonesia, and the Philippines. It's yet another manufactured problem that democrats use to fire up their base. The trash is a lie, but it is their way to reduce carbon emissions as resin for plastic comes from oil refineries. Why in the world do people who live in California, not rise up against the people who are lying to them day in and day out.
2) Even though around 70% of Americans have a recycling program for their garbage, less than 30% (I think far less), is actually recycled. In many cases people are told to separate their garbage placing recyclables in a separate bin when none of it is actually recycled. Think about it, they know they're not recycling it, yet they send recycling trucks to pick up the recyclables from our homes. It's crazy!