want to create the impression they're David taking on Goliath because there are a lot of taxpayers who easily believe this.
Democrats say the "rich" should pay more and this certainly sounds good to those of us who aren't wealthy but is it ethical? The word "rich" is a relative term because everyone up and down the
economic spectrum considers those making a lot more than them to be rich; for instance if you make $50K a year and someone else makes $100K you'd probably think this person was rich. But you'd be rich too according to a retail employee or a waitress's perspective who dreams of making
With this in mind how would you feel if the government told you to pay more to give to people making less than you? Would it be fair? Would it be ethical? Would it make you mad? These questions are the same whether you're making $200,000 a year or $50,000 a year. A lot of people
think it doesn't matter because the rich have plenty to spare. But the fact is just because someone can take a punch doesn't mean it's right to punch him. Is it right for us to expect something of other people that we would be mad about if it happened to us? I consider this an ethics issue so where do you stand?
Going after the rich to pay more will only make a dent in our revenue problem. The problem is our politicians who won't do what's right to turn our economy around because they are afraid they'll lose their jobs if they make the spending cuts necessary. I believe that pitting citizens against one another for political reasons is a form of treason; they are purposefully dividing our country which severely impacts our nation’s survival.
I hope you'll share this information with any Democrats or Independents you know. I admit that I've only changed the opinion of a few Democrats; the last one was a couple of weeks ago. She was
voting for Obama until I shared with her the difference in Obama's and Romney's ideas for turning our economy around. With this election expected to be so close, every vote counts.