Around 32% of voters don't believe that liberal policies have contributed to the outrageous increases in crime across the county. Scary.
Some high schools across the country have eliminated band because of the expense. Of course band members have had to work extremely hard raising funds over the years for a variety of purposes including travelling to competitions. Anyone who knows someone in band, understands how hard they work, the commitment it takes. It's not an activity you dabble in.
I wasn't in band, I played sports instead. If it weren't for dating a band member, I would've thought they were all geeks. I'm sure that some people wonder why someone would presumably waste their time playing in band because what will it do for their future? How many will end up teaching band or playing professionally somewhere for a symphony orchestra? The odds of making it are probably as bad as someone trying to play college or professional sports but there's a huge reason to support band. It's not that it's necessarily going to be a great career path for your son or daughter, but that it's character building. The life skills they learn will help them achieve other goals in life. I certainly don't know the statistics in this case, but it's my guess that less than 1% of the prison population has ever participated in band. Is this a coincidence? Part of it is cultural but even in some disadvantaged school districts, band has survived the cut. Poor students in band in poor school districts do better than other students. Once again, I ask, is this a coincidence? Band members graduate high school. Band members make good grades. Band members aren't often seen in detention. Band members hang out with other band members giving parents more peace of mind that they're children are a bit safer when they go out. Band members are disciplined. A higher percentage of band members get advanced educations compared to other groups. There are exceptions I know. You see it's not the instruments they play that will add value to their future and ours, it's who they become playing them. Please support band in whatever way you can because the program is producing some awesome young adults. Thanks! Quote from a police officer:
"It amazes me how athletes so quickly jump on making a call about footage from a police officer's bodycam, when it takes millions of dollars of equipment and multiple slow-motion replays, to try and get a call right during a sporting event. And even after all that, there are often people agreeing or disagreeing with what they saw." On another note, I'm going to mention this again because I believe it is critical. The answer as to whether or not the police treat any race differently, is readily available in some of the best and most extensive research I've ever seen. What is it? The internet, bodycams, and the massive amount of reality shows (i.e. Cops, Live PD, Dateline, 48 Hours, 20-20, To Catch a Predator, Forensic Files, etc.). Real life interactions with the police. With the answer being readily available, why won't anti-police people accept the ONLY truth we have in the matter? I guess they don't want to know the truth, or they do know and just want to continue to lie about it for personal gain. By the way, what everyone would find is that the police DO NOT treat people differently based on any particular attribute. They're suspicious no matter someone's race and suspects have no problems at all, until they stop showing the officer respect by following their instructions. It also clearly shows no matter the race, some people are respectful to the police, and some are not. Also, it doesn't matter who the victim is, the police diligently try to solve the crimes. This is made more difficult in some communities because it's dangerous to be a "snitch." So, the next time you hear anyone putting down the police, let them know that you have literally hundreds of thousands of hours of camera footage which proves them wrong. Thanks! Around 26 transgender people were said to have been murdered this year. This equates to around .00002% of those in the U.S. who identify as trans. They make up around .0001% of the murders that take place in the U.S.
The bottom line is they're not being killed right and left like the mainstream media and the Biden Administration are pushing. As a group they're pretty much safer than most. How about those apples?! The CBS/MTV television show: "The Challenge," tried to change some of their competitions to where men and women would compete against each other versus having a male winner and a female winner. Unfortunately, it really hurt the women because the men kept finishing 1st, 2nd, and 3rd so the women were out of any earnings. Welcome to the real world. At least they tried.
On another note. Sometimes it’s not only OK to quit; sometimes it’s necessary. That’s what some female soccer players in England did when they learned they were going to have to play against a man from another team who was claiming to be a woman. They refused to play not because they're transphobic. They refused to play because they were afraid. What caused the fear? A female soccer player suffered a broken knee when blocking a shot from Francesca Needham, a 30-year-old transman who says he's transitioning but is a biological male never-the-less. They were afraid that if they took the field against Needham, they could be injured too. Guess what? The man is suing the league for the teams refusing to play against him. The league and the women will win the lawsuit because it's a matter of their realistic concerns over their safety. This is being played out all around the world. I dug into this theory to know how it was calculated and I saw a lot of speculation. If there wasn’t so much ambiguity in the data they’re using and how they’re interpreting it, then it wouldn’t be a theory but instead it would be a law like the “Law of Gravity.” I'm not saying a big bang didn't take place, I'm just saying there are some things to think about before putting all of our intellectual eggs into one basket.
There’s absolutely no way scientists can effectively measure the light years out to billions, they can’t know how many galaxies there are, they don’t know how many stars are in the various galaxies, and they certainly can’t say with certainty that the Big Bang took place 40 billion years ago. They admit it’s a theory yet it’s treated as fact by people who believe in evolution. Some scientists say there are galaxies 60 trillion light years away; there’s absolutely no way they know this for certain. They’re kind of like politicians who throw out all kinds of stuff knowing no one will hold them accountable. It’s especially easy for scientists because most people don’t know how to check their numbers and/or even interested, yet Christians sure should be as it’s typically the number one thing that prevents other people from having faith in God. The faith journey begins with intelligent design or just a big bang that occurred 40 billion years ago. At the very least we should challenge what appear to be outlandish claims like the ones I’ve listed above. Their data lacks integrity (common sense tells us this), yet billions of people take what they say and believe them without question. This isn't what knowledge seekers do. Like I mentioned earlier there might have been a Big Bang but taking how they calculated the data I seriously question their theory. The way I look at it is if there was a Big Bang I believe God caused it. The Book of Genesis mentioned that God created the heavens and the earth. What did God mean by using the word heavens? Did he mean other galaxies? One thing I strongly believe due to my faith, is that God is our creator; he’s the one who’s responsible for our intelligent design which is another article all together. If you come across someone who does believe in the Big Bang theory, ask him to explain how the theory works. Don’t ask in a derogatory manner but be attentive there might be something to learn…at the very least what makes them tick. I doubt if you’ll come across anyone who truly understands it; all you’ll hear is them struggling to come up with answers. Just ask this person how scientists are able to project that some galaxies are 60 trillion light years away, how some galaxies have 100 trillion stars, how they know the Big Bang took place 40 billion years ago, etc. The way I see it is our belief in God makes way more sense than their belief in the Big Bang Theory. Certain groups like agnostics and atheists like to attack Christian beliefs even making fun of them, they just don’t get how someone can walk by faith but it’s exactly what they’re doing with their faith in scientists. As for me, intelligent design makes much more sense than what some scientists are proposing with their theory. Scientists are conflicted as to what the earth looked like a million years ago, how could they possibly know what things looked like at some place (they don’t even know the place), 40 billion years ago? By the way I’m certainly no guru when it comes to these topics, but I did dig heavily into it. I learned things I never knew, and I was shocked at the methodology that was being applied by some of these scientists. Taking anything scientists say on face value isn’t a good way to look at life. We need to think for ourselves as to whether or not something makes sense…too often we’re just sheep and allow almost anyone to be our shepherd. I hope you too now question the things they’re writing and saying. Thanks very much for reading this and may peace and joy be with you always! Why do things "topple over?" It's due to the earth's gravitational pull. It's easier to fall when someone is already leaning a particular direction. That leaning causes more of their bodies' surface area, versus just their feet, to be exposed to the pull. The Law of Gravity is actually taught in martial art studios across the country. Momentum is caused by gravitational pull so to them it's something to respect and use during combat.
This is also why dead weight is what it is. Picking someone up from the ground if she's standing right in front of you can be easy. The gravitational pull would be directly on her feet so it's easier to lift someone. If she were to lay on the ground, it would be a different story. Not only are her feet on the ground, but her body would then be prone to the surface area of the gravitational pull. Gravity loves things that are horizontal, not vertical. Hope you enjoyed...Fun with Trivia! 😎 This famous song reached number on the music charts in 1974, 1982, and 1992; the first two times on the country chart (sung by the same music artist), and the last time it reached number one it was on the Pop and R&B Charts. When the original artist took the song to number one twice, she became one of two artists to ever pull off this feat. The other music artist was Chubby Checker when he took his hit song: The Twist, to number one in 1960 and 1962.
After the song's initial success in 1974, it reached number one in 1982 because it was part of a hit movie soundtrack. After this, in 1992, an extremely popular singer on the Pop Charts and in R&B, asked the song writer if she could sing the song in an upcoming movie she was starring in and it became a number one single again; most of her fans didn't have a clue that it had already hit number one twice. This actress/singer passed away un-expectantly in 2012, which helped the song skyrocket yet again. Maybe you've figured out by now that the writer of this song is Dolly Parton, and the song was: I'll Always Love You. It was Whitney Houston in the movie The Bodyguard, that took the song to number one again. Dolly gave the famous Porter Wagner credit for launching her career and she felt terrible about leaving The Porter Wagner Show but she had to move on to work on her music career. She wrote the song in honor of him. This was in 1974. In 1982, she starred in the movie: The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, and she performed the song again and it hit number one yet again. Dolly is a prolific songwriter; not only songs for herself, but many of her songs have reached "The Top 10" on the music charts that have been sung by other artists. In all, she's credited for writing a little over 3,000 songs. If this weren't enough, she's one of the most successful businesswomen in history. She is also known for her witty statements, at the beginning of her career she said: "I'm not offended by jokes about stupid blondes because I know I'm not stupid... and I'm not really blonde either." The television show, Saturday Night Live, is now ripping into Biden and Harris with various skits. Next act, a fat lady singing. 😁
It's weird that the people who starred in the 1992 movie Dracula, by Bram Stoker, haven't aged. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. 😉
Author: John Mann |