I don't know where things got completely twisted, but the Civil Rights Act of 1964 wasn't about giving any particular group favored treatment that isn't available to others. Asian Americans are upset because they don't get the number of college admissions based on the standards normally applied with SAT scores being a big part. And quite frankly, there's no more successful group in our country than Asian Americans so why should they be punished for living in a culture of hard work, integrity, and education being the goals?
Time and time again double-standards are at play that are completely against the Civil Rights Act, and this includes stopping having college campuses from having Black Student Unions. Many African Americans say they feel safer having their own student union even though there isn't any data that supports they were ever in danger from white students. Just another false narrative of victimhood where facts don't matter.
Anyhow, I hope the Supreme Court ends the practice of affirmative action anywhere it is in place. I don't want my pilot flying the aircraft that I'm on out of any quotas. Just give me the best of the best at flying aircrafts regardless of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc. This is what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wanted, not a bunch of people who won't get anywhere because they were told they're not good enough because of white people holding them down. How absurd, yet it sells well in the right liberal circles.