Baker told the then FBI Director James Comey, that he thought there was sufficient evidence to proceed but he was shot down. Do you remember when Comey said that no reasonable prosecutor in the country would attempt to prosecute Hillary? So he says this after his lead counsel, the smartest legal mind in the room, said there was enough evidence to indict her.
Of course many people believed this. He provided a litany of potential crimes including the sending and receiving of classified emails. Hillary lied and said they weren't classified before she received and sent them as even Comey clearly stated. Then Comey followed up with that they wouldn't be pursuing prosecution. My jaw dropped when he said that.
I thought here was another elitist getting away with something that none of us would've gotten away with in the private sector. We wouldn't have been allowed to turn over evidence (the emails), that we thought were pertinent to the investigation, the FBI would've raided our home grabbed the server and looked for themselves. Why in the world would someone turn over evidence that might convict them? Hillary and her lawyers sure did their best to scrub the emails. Why wouldn't Hillary's lawyers tell her to hold on to all her emails just in case a question came up? This is the best protection for someone who is innocent but exactly what you'd want to do if you were guilty.
I could go on and on. Democrats just got burned again because it gives credibility as to why Republicans had hearings to investigate the matter. Certain people in the FBI are and were totally corrupt. The highest law office in the land, and they acted like the mafia picking and choosing protocol based on political interest. The great news is that more and more of what they did behind the scenes is coming out. Democrats didn't want this investigation. Why don't they want transparency? The Deep State isn't a conspiracy theory, it will now become a shocking movie backed on a very true story.