The media fawned over Avenatti saying he'd save our country from President Trump but didn't vet him at all. He had a sleazy past and was being sued by people in his previous law firm. Now even Stormy Daniels is suing him for stealing money from her book deal. He's been indicted on several counts and facing a total amount of sentenced prison time of 404 years.
The media didn't care if he was telling the truth. They certainly aren't circling back to apologize for making him out to be a hero when he's just a thug. If someone has potential dirt on Trump then the mainstream media welcomes them with open arms. They'll chew this person up to get the dirt they want, then spit them out as they've done with countless people. They've had Brennan, Clapper, and Cohen making outrageous claims of Trump being a foreign agent which has proven to be false by the Mueller investigation, but once again the media doesn't come back to apologize, they just move on to the next outrageous claim.