Instead of them owning up to the fiscal disaster that they've created, they moved quickly to divert attention away from themselves and on to the evil Donald Trump.
Democrats in California are irate that Trump has just come out and stated he will no longer allow federal tax dollars to go towards their failed project. In all, it will negatively affect California by close to $3 billion dollars (half the cost of the border wall). Why in the world should the federal government continue throwing good money after bad? Democrats can't say for sure how much the remaining construction will cost. Missing their first estimate by $60 billion dollars shouldn't give anyone the warm and fuzzies on any of their projections. They can't say after it's built, how soon it will be in service. They can't say for sure how many people will ride the light rail. They can't say at this point, due to the costs overruns, how much ticket prices would need to be.
The bottom line is I'm loving hearing Democrats scream that Trump's being political. It would be weird if he wasn't. It's what's been going on here since the beginning of our Republic. California sure is political. But in this case, Trump's also right. He's looking out for the taxpayer. By the way, I sometimes bring up that what the mainstream media doesn't report is actually the biggest part of their fake news narrative. This horrific failure of the light rail system in California, should've been covered everywhere. Did you know about this fiasco?
The liberal media didn't want people to know about California's failure especially now since they're pushing the Green New Deal. If it is disastrous just trying to do a few hundred miles, how horrific would it be having to put down tracks all across our country to eliminate air travel? How much land would need to be taken from U.S. citizens through imminent domain, to place these tracks? Common sense, logic, and critical thinking are kryptonite to these crazy new Democratic candidates for 2020 and their naïve followers who believe in a national light rail system.
Besides pulling back funding from the failed light rail project, I think the best thing Trump could do to help people in California is to find out where the $60 billion dollars of cost-overruns went. I'll go out on a limb and say if they investigate what happened, several people will be put in jail, including some Democratic politicians. The federal government investigates potential fraud cases for far less dollars than what happened in California. Could you imagine if the DOJ launched an investigation into what happened to the money? It would be so awesome!