It was revealed that FISA has been voicing their concerns for years as to the unauthorized use of wiretapping during the Obama Administration through the use of the NSA, to target citizens based on what they believed were political interests not national security interests. Donald Trump learned about their concerns when he took office and it’s why he made what I considered the stupid Tweet he did about Obama wiretapping members of his campaign.
FISA was a legitimate source for his claim but how he handled it was embarrassing to me since I voted for him. I also consider the way he handled the situation to be somewhat dangerous for several reasons including throwing fuel on a political firestorm between Democrats and Republicans that was already in full blaze.
I think that telling the world via his Twitter account that the previous President illegally wiretapped him, made us lose some political clout around the world. Having it quietly investigated, substantiated, and intelligently communicated to us as to the facts, would’ve been what I’d expect out of a U.S. President. He made us look like a third-world country.
But the fact is, FISA does exist and you’d never know it by the coverage of the mainstream media. The audit report FISA produced showed that at least 5% of the wiretaps didn’t meet the 4th Amendment’s Right to Privacy for U.S. citizens.
The former Director of the CIA is on Capitol Hill now giving testimony about some of FISA’s findings, and for a “spook” he’s very easy to read and there’s no doubt in my mind that he was aware of at least some of the illegal wiretapping. It’s easy to see that he was just another appointed politician (Obama’s pick), looking out for his best interests not our country’s.
But the reason for this article is to bring up my viewpoint that neither the role of FISA in the intelligence community nor their credible findings about years of abuse during the Obama Administration is being given adequate (or any at all), coverage by the liberal media.
Each night the major news networks spend around nine minutes trashing the Trump Administration and rarely if ever cover anything negative about what’s going on in the Democrat Party. I find it ridiculous that they try to act like they’re shocked that they are called out for being politically biased.
All of the important news going on around the world and they spend more than a third of their broadcast attacking Trump and the Republican Party in general. Keep in mind these major networks have a broad audience base around the world so what picture is being painted of our country? No wonder we’re so hated by some countries.
Anyhow, now there’s an amazing story about terrible abuses of power during the Obama Administration and if it were up to them, we wouldn’t know that FISA even exists. Exactly what is the primary role of news networks like ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and NBC in our society? I thought I knew but apparently I don’t.