I don't know if you remember, but starting around June during the 2016 election, candidate Trump was getting some bad press overseas. Keep in mind, these people didn't even know Trump. Ukraine stated that their parliament would rather work with Hillary Clinton. Trump was like, where's that coming from. This ended up being one sign out of many that indicated something was wrong over there. And might I add, Trump was right again, and the Biden's were in the thick of it.
Well, the Ambassador to Ukraine in 2016 was Marie Yovanovitch, and she just got roasted in a hearing which brought out what she was doing and not doing, over there.
Come to find that some of our ambassadors in strategic locations, were actively involved in not only creating those negative messages regarding Trump, but also rewarding the countries involved by releasing aid. Quid Pro Quo again and again and again.
We might not have known about what Marie did if it weren't for politicians in Ukraine telling the ambassador who replaced her, some of the activities she was engaged in, which had absolutely nothing to do with her job. Will she get in trouble? No, she is a career State Department employee. Our laws need not apply. She retired recently and can probably be found on a beach somewhere drinking Coco Loco's with Lois Lerner.
Just when think I've heard it all, democrats keep raising the bar on corruption. Maybe we should put together an impeachment hearing of the Democratic Party? Of course we can't do this, but it sure felt good putting it out there. 😁