Lee is a major historical figure and you can’t successfully discuss the Civil War without mentioning his impact. This opens up the door to removing everything that has to do with U.S. history that might offend someone. Some college campuses have already removed monuments of their college founders because they owned slaves in the 1700’s.
Based on this mentality why haven’t we taken down any monuments to General Grant for his part in authorizing the forcible removal of Indian’s from their own land. During his Administration they would sign contracts/treaties and then go back on them when they realized they needed the land. What about Franklin Delano Roosevelt authorizing Japanese POW camps in California and Hawaii during WWII?
Not a great way of handling the situation but our country felt the need to isolate people who were in the U.S. who were Japanese because we were in shock that their home country would commit the atrocities they did. Fear was rampant among U.S. citizens on the west coast and the FBI didn’t have a clue if there were Japanese sympathizers who might aid Japan in reaching the coastline with their submarines or attempt to blow up military installations.
Would these situations be handled differently now, more than likely, but hind-sight and thus reaction to historical events is 20-20. Because these situations as they appear now aren’t “politically correct,” is it justifiable to remove monuments and paintings from government facilities and grounds because they offend some people? I hope you believe this to be a rhetorical question.
What if I got a large group of citizens together and forced the removal of any statues or paintings on the walls in government buildings of President Obama because he lied about his healthcare plan? Would this be right? One of the main architects of Obama Care (Anthony Gruber), admitted several times on camera that they were misleading us in trying to get Obama Care passed and it was an easy thing to do because as he said, we are gullible and stupid.
Obama was a terrible President who put us dangerously in debt thus compromising our national security. He knew his healthcare plan wasn’t going to pay for itself. The Obama Administration did everything in their power to keep peoples’ attentions away from accelerating debt due to Obama Care and instead attempted to create division in race and social classes.
He politicized police shootings of young black males demonizing their character when a small fraction of young, black, murder victims are killed by police officers; instead they are killed by other young, black, males. He knew this but pushing an agenda of blame and change within the African American community wouldn’t help the Democrat Party get black voter turnout. He knows the truth about these various issues but instead chose to divide our country for political gain.
In order to placate Muslim nations he made a disgusting comment at a National Prayer Breakfast that Christians should get off their high horses about Islamic phobia because they’ve done horrendous things to Muslims. Of course his example of Christians murdering Muslims had to go all the way back to mid-evil times and the Christian Crusades. A movement started by the Knights Templar where they’d provide protection for caravans of Christians wanting to visit the Holy Land.
These Christians were being murdered by Muslims while on their annual pilgrimage so the Templar volunteered to provide security and it snowballed from there. Radical Christians aren’t committing terrorism, radical Islamists are thus the legitimate concerns. What he said did nothing to help our country and instead created even more danger and division for U.S. citizens here and around the world.
Why in the world should a statue go up honoring a man who sought to divide our country for political gain? Proof is everywhere that he wasn’t a loyal patriot. What should stop me and like-minded people from using the same rational and tactics to remove him like liberals are removing other historical figures? If I saw a statue of President Obama maybe I’d be very offended and mentally distraught. Isn’t this the same logic these people are using to get these memorials taken down? I wouldn’t of course, but why are the rules different for conservatives versus liberals?
What’s happening across America is both ludicrous and scary. Ask yourself where will it end? Based on the criteria that’s being applied in these cases, what’s to prevent most of our historic monuments from coming down? Surely many liberal Democrats would want to remove President Jefferson from Mount Rushmore and put Obama in his place (I’ve already heard it mentioned), because he owned slaves even though it was the 1700’s and not illegal.
What about him being an amazing Founding Father of our great nation? What about writing the Declaration of Independence? What about being a major factor in creating an educational system in our country? What about travelling around the world to establish trading partners so our country could exist? What about cutting deals to help pay off the debt we incurred during the Revolutionary War and acquiring investment money to get our economy up and running? Are we to be forced to take down his monuments, portraits, and statues from public grounds because he owned slaves and it upsets mentally sensitive and apparently morally superior people?
It’s time to stop the madness. If there’s anything taking place in our world on government property, including university campuses, that’s an effort to destroy our history for political correctness, it’s time we start marching and protesting to protect Please don’t riot or we’ll be no better than them.
Our country’s legacy is being taken away by American extremists, piece by piece. Please don’t sit back and find yourself years from now wondering if you could’ve done something to prevent this craziness. The “Could of,” “Would of,” and “Should of’s,” that we reflect upon later in our lives are emotionally devastating. Many senior citizens say their biggest regrets aren’t about what they did do in life, but what they didn’t do. When are we going to listen and act upon their wise words of wisdom?
You know as well as I do that a lot of terrible precedence is being established about all kinds of different issues, opening up the door to terrible consequences in our future. If Conservatives aren’t willing to put on their “activists” hats then in the end, we will get what we deserve but the sad part is our children and grandchildren won’t.