If you're like me, your mind gets blown anytime you hear a Democrat try to explain a policy position. It's like listening to a little kid who doesn't have any idea regarding fiscal responsibility. I think the reason we might still get our minds blown, when we shouldn't any longer, is that we can't think the way some of these liberals do. We can't debate someone successfully if he or she lacks common sense and knowledge regarding applicable topics. Here's proof that many Democrats lack common sense and logic:
1) They actually think they gave Trump a smooth transition of power. OMG! You've got to be kidding! I believe more than 60 Democrats didn't even show up for the inauguration out of protest for Trump becoming President. There are leaders in the Democratic Party who have spent four years trying to prove he didn't deserve to be there. I don't call that a smooth transition.
2) They actually thought that around 75 million Americans had naively voted a Russian spy into office. Even after four years they still don't get how rabid they became. How totally outrageous the story was, yet they were eating it up like ice cream. I was embarrassed for them. By the way, most Democrats knew the truth but it didn't fit their narrative.
3) They actually believed at various points, that we were going to war with China, North Korea, and Russia. What makes this even more unbelievable is that Dems were talking out of both sides of their mouths. Why would Trump push these leaders' buttons, to a point of going to war, if he was in bed with them? Do you see how ridiculous the Democratic Party has become? They're dangerous.
4) They said Republicans want a border wall because we're racists. Why would they think this when once again the reason we want it is common sense and logic based. It's outrageous for them to make a racist claim when a wall has never been used throughout the history of mankind, for racism purposes.
5) They actually thought that Trump's call to the Ukraine was deserving of impeachment yet Biden admitted, on camera, to conducting a Quid Pro Quo with our tax money to the Ukraine. Their double-standards are absolutely through the roof.
6) They actually believe Democrats wouldn't fight to maintain the White House if the roles were reversed. Even more shocking considering Hillary is on record telling Biden not to give up no matter what the vote tallies. Of course this was before he had the lead.
7) They believe the Republican Party is sexists yet women are making greater strides in the Republican Party than they are in the Democratic Party. Democrats have no need for fresh, young, female, faces, when they're loaded with old hawks like Biden, Kerry, Leahy, Sanders, Schumer, and Schiff. By the way, why would around 35 million women be a member of the Republican Party if it was in fact sexist? They wouldn't. Just another lie. And once again I say, that if people think evil of us, then there's no need for debate because there would be no respect thus no progress.
8) They believe the mainstream media isn't biased for the Democratic Party.
9) They actually believe that it made perfect sense for a Secretary of State to set up her own government agency server, in her residence. They were even okay with Hillary and her attorneys wiping the server of anything they want, before turning it over to the FBI. Let's not forget the five electronic devices that were wiped clean and that Hillary said she only had a phone and an I-Pad, which was one of many statements that weren't true. The problem is that the FBI was picking and choosing who to go after even though they were the same crimes. Flynn lies, he goes to prison. Hillary lies numerous times and Comey said that she didn't mean to "mislead," us. How does he know this? Did Hillary tell him?
I could go on and on as you well know, but the bottom line is that the information I listed above is no-brainer material. It's easy to understand using common sense and logic but for some reason, many Democrats don't get it. They are so brainwashed by their leaders that they don't even realize they come across as fools at times. I just wish they understood what their own political party is doing to them. Most of their representatives know the truth (like Schiff), and regularly lie for personal and political gain. They commit fraud by knowingly lying to their constituents in order to generate contributions. We couldn't get away with this in the private sector because it's against the law. The question is: where in the Constitution is it okay for politicians to be treated differently in our criminal justice system?