There are jobs available in the black community but they're jobs the people don't want because they pay minimum wage. Most whites worked their way up from minimum wage jobs it's where you start. It gives you an incentive to become more valuable to the marketplace so you can get a better job. Some blacks want to skip this.
Companies who have "good jobs" aren't inclined to move into these neighborhoods for a variety of reasons none more so than the fact there aren't qualified workers. So the answer isn't good jobs, the answer is good education and it isn't a priority in the black community. What does it take to get there: 1) Good schools 2) Parents who push their children to succeed in school. Neither exists. The best teachers wont risk teaching in some of these communities because students are out of control. Parents aren't pushing their kids...they don't care enough apparently to help their children get out of their communities. Plus, how can a parent help a child with homework when he or she can' t read (drop out grates of 60%)?
The bottom line is that the solution isn't a political one where we throw more money at it. It's not a white problem of us not caring enough and doing something about it. It's a cultural problem that none of us have anything to do with. I'm generally optimistic but I don't see this problem going away and it's scary.