So once again not only is one side of the aisle lying, they're doing it in the extremes with only 1.5% of abortions fitting what they're saying is the norm. They also showed where by far a majority of abortions are performed on African Americans followed by Hispanics and they are paid for by donations and federal and state tax dollars. Surprise, surprise, Planned Parenthood has been lying about how they're using our tax dollars.
One last thing, one of the representatives from Texas was upset that the pro-abortion people who were being interviewed in the hearing kept attacking his state. He then shut them down by saying that Texas has eight women's centers for each abortion clinic to help women in every step along the way mentally and physically, to find the best solution for keeping her child or having her child adopted. Basically, saying that them making claims that Texas doesn't care about the welfare of women, is a complete lie. Are you noticing a trend?