There are a lot of articles this month with the more serious ones being about: 1) Trump congratulating Putin on his election victory. 2) Gun control and student marches. 3) Hillary’s continued attacks on the Trump voters. 4) The farce that is the current budget. 5) The new transgender ban in the military. 6) Trade wars. 7) Assistant FBI Director Andrew McCabe’s fall from grace. 8) The most dangerous U.S. cities. 9) The repercussions of “White Flight” in Flint, Michigan. 10) Bonuses for Federal employees.
On the lighter side this month I have: 1) Blue Whales. 2) History of photographs. 3) Where is the best place to live? 4) Old age. 5) Barber shop signs. 6) First films. 7) The real story of Adam & Eve. 8) Various jokes. 9) History of fingerprints. 10) The story behind the game Red Rover.
There are a lot more articles than what I just listed so I’m sure you’ll find some you find interesting. A reminder that all you must do is copy and paste any of the articles to an email to share with others. Never worry about sourcing me for the material as it doesn’t matter to me, I just want the good stories to get out there to hopefully have a positive influence on other people.
Thanks for visiting my site and I hope you have a fantastic month!