"Taking these critical funds from disaster preparedness & recover efforts threatens lives & weakens the government's ability to help Americans in the wake of natural disasters. Congress appropriated these funds to meet the American PEOPLE'S priorities and I strong oppose this effort to undermine our constitutional authority."
It seems he somehow forgot (tongue in cheek), what the Obama Administration did just five years ago. In August 2014 (during hurricane season), they took $268 million from FEMA and $32 million from the Coast Guard's maintenance funding, to use on the southern border. In all, they got their hands on a little more than $400 million dollars to help border patrol and I.C.E.
In other words, Obama did the very same thing Trump is doing and took even more from FEMA. Where was the outrage from Democrats then? Where were the negative articles about Obama? Where were the pictures of the terrible conditions at the border, including children in cages, when Obama was in office? Their double-standards are outrageous.
Democrats and the mainstream media know what Obama did but they don't care. They're willing to lie, it makes no difference to them. They know that many members of their party won't fact check anything and will accept anything they hear without using common sense and logic. They've got them exactly where they want them.