Constitutional Rights so it is okay to abort (a.k.a. kill), even at that late stage.
I find this absolutely disgusting! I believe in a woman’s right to choose and I don’t think most parts in Roe vs. Wade from a Constitutional perspective could or should be overturned but it all boils down to when does life begin? When is it an aborted fetus and when does it become murder? By the way, I have many friends and family members who don’t believe in abortion at all and I greatly respect their opinion.
Hillary believes that even a nine-month old unborn baby can be killed because it has no Constitutional rights. Although difficult, I’d like for you to picture a full-term baby being killed and discarded in a dumpster of an abortion clinic. Does this make you sick? It should. This is what most of the Left believes.
I think the solution is very simple…if a doctor pronounces the time of death of a human based on when their heart stops why don’t we pronounce “life” when a heartbeat begins which is generally 10 weeks? Plus, there are many times when a woman doesn’t even know she’s pregnant for the first four to six weeks. The Left’s push for late-term abortions is horrendous and this is why they want control over the nominations of the Supreme Court Justices so they can accomplish just that.
The bottom line in my opinion is that it’s murder and we need to do something to accurately identify when life begins and put a cap on when an abortion can occur. The way it is now isn’t right. Keep in mind many states will charge someone for double-homicide if they kill a pregnant woman. Apparently they believe killing an unborn child is murder and their process hasn’t been overturned by the Supreme Court.
I beg of you to take the time to let your representatives know how you feel about the matter. It doesn’t take overturning Roe vs. Wade to accomplish the goal of saving lives through placing the “correct” determination on when life begins which would be an amendment to the legislation.
Hillary’s belief that it is okay to kill a full-term baby should make her incompetent to hold the highest office in the land. A vote for Hillary is a vote in support of her ideology. I hope you’ll do everything you can to let your friends and family know about Hillary’s thoughts regarding abortion. Every vote will truly count during this Presidential election and if she gets the chance to appoint Supreme Court Justices our nation will be in huge trouble.