They think among other things that college education and healthcare should be “free” and that student debt should be forgiven. What would debt forgiveness do to the financial institutions that provided the use of their money considering there’s around $1 trillion in student loan debt in our country? Do you think it’s even remotely possible to increase taxes enough to pay these financial institutions off? It would be a financial collapse yet some Democrats are using this promise on their campaign trails.
I’ve seen countless interviews of these young people and they regurgitate what they hear from the Democrat Party because when they’re asked how to pay for the “free” stuff they say to take it from the upper 1%; by the way, none of them could answer who the upper 1% were. Nor could a single one of them answer why if the Top 1% of income earners are paying over 50% of the tax revenues, how can they not possibly be paying more than their fair share? The bottom 50% of income earners are paying around 3% of tax revenues does this seem like fair share distribution?
This is extremely important…if we taxed the Upper 1% at 100% of their income it wouldn’t be enough to pay down the student debt in our country which also means there’s no way they could sustain sending kids to college for free. Liberals keep saying the Upper 1% can pay for everything but it’s a lie.
The IRS tax tables are available for anyone to see and I have a link on my laptop to their database. It doesn’t take long to figure out that based on all the “free” stuff liberals are asking for that it would take substantially increasing tax rates on the middle and lower-middle income earners to pay for it. This won’t happen. Democrats know this but continue to push the narrative to gain votes. The greatest problem with this is that they demonize Republicans for not supporting it when it isn’t about not wanting to help young people but knowing we can’t afford to do it.
Why based on some of the liberals’ tax reforms like Bernie Sanders’, would someone be willing to have a salary of $250,000 a year but receive $37,500 after taxes (85% tax rate), when he or she could have a salary of $50,000 and after a tax rate of 15%, make $42,500? It’s ludicrous. I admit I’m shocked that some people actually think this makes sense. It worries me for our country that some people are okay with stealing money from others through rigging an extremely unfair tax system that will only ended up hurting everyone rich and poor.
I realize that some liberals like Bernie Sanders believe that by paying for college we’ll have young people who are more valuable to the marketplace thus making more income and paying more in taxes to cover the “free” college but this isn’t true. As it is now, college graduates are struggling to get jobs. Having more people graduate without having jobs to go to means more money invested by the government without any return. Plus if a college graduate replaces another employee who’s leaving for another company or retiring then the tax revenues aren’t incremental, it’s just one taxpayer taking the place of another. The fact is there’s nothing more important than job growth for an economy because this generates incremental tax revenues.
There’s no way a non-partisan economist could prove that we’d generate enough tax revenues to pay for “free” college. I say non-partisan because both parties pick and choose who’ll do their research and coincidentally the reports always come back in their favor. Even the Congressional Budget Office has a terrible track record in predicting policy impact so the best thing we can do is use our common sense.
There’s also something else to consider about their plan. Does someone not attend college mostly because he or she can’t afford it or is it because they don’t want to go to college for various reasons? There are scholarships galore for African American and Hispanic students yet their high school dropout rates are much higher compared to white students. Would the kids who have a mindset of not finishing high school pursue graduating if they could get a free ride into college? Maybe a few but I think the problem isn’t about the availability of tuition but other factors that are related to culture.
The bottom line is a lot of young people are fighting for free educations because people like Bernie Sanders mislead them into thinking it’s a Constitution right that should be paid for by the greedy, wealthy, and elite. These young people don’t have a clue about what would happen if college was made free and the impact it would have on their lives when it comes to future taxes. They can’t seem to get it through their heads that nothing is free.
I just don’t understand the concept of being able to take more from someone just because he or she has the money. For example, let’s say four people are going to a concert and each ticket costs $100. If one of them makes more money than the others is it right and just to expect or demand that she pitches in more than everyone else for the tickets? No, because it’s unethical. If she volunteers to do it that’s one thing but punishing her for having a higher income job, isn’t right or just.
Why don’t we allow the lower income classes to walk into rich peoples’ homes once a year and take a certain amount of money from them? Cutting out the middleman (IRS), and going directly to the upper class and taking their things seems like it’s more efficient. Or why is it not a problem to take $88 billion dollars from Bill Gates which is what I heard a college student say recently? He’d still have $1 billion left so isn’t that plenty of money to leave him with? Of course if someone tried this he’d get arrested for stealing. So here’s the crazy thing, since it’s illegal for someone to steal directly why is it okay for the IRS to do it?
What this college student doesn’t grasp is that Bill Gates doesn’t leave his money under his mattress, it’s invested. It’s money being used by other businesses to grow their organizations and create jobs. His money going to the Federal Government and having them waste it doesn’t help our economy.
The public sector isn’t a driver of economic growth. It doesn’t create jobs and new industries through innovation. The public sector doesn’t produce trailblazers like Michael Dell, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Jack Welch, etc. The bottom line is the public sector doesn’t grow an economy the private sector does. The more money we can keep out of our governments’ hands the better off we’ll be; it’s Economics 101.
The mentality some of the young people have to take from the rich and give it to the poor is because they consider themselves morally superior to their elders. My question is who decides who’s rich? When I was making $15,000 a year I thought people who made $50,000 were rich (it’s relative). Based on their way of thinking I should’ve gotten money from the “rich guy” making $50,000 and then he could get money from the rich folks making more than $100,000. Where are all the lines drawn? This mentality is so wrong.
Why not create a flat tax with no deductibles or write-offs of any kind? If you take 25% of my income compared to 25% from someone who’s a successful lawyer, you’d get more tax revenue from the lawyer. Doesn’t “fair share” mean to pay the same tax rate as me? Most socialists don’t want a flat tax because it’s not actually about a principle of fair share for them it’s about getting more than their fair share and them not wanting a flat tax proves this.
The fact is we’re too poor to be a Socialist country at this point. We’re over $19 trillion dollars in debt and we can’t balance the budget based on our current expenditures let alone tacking on more costs. We can’t afford any type of universal healthcare and we can’t afford free college tuition or write-off current college debt. We also can’t afford for people to come into our country who won’t immediately begin contributing to tax revenues and we need them to pay in at least as much as they’re taking out in benefits.
Young people are so caught up into what seems to be the moral thing to do in supporting illegal immigration but don’t understand that it’s dangerous to our country not so much from fears of terrorism when it comes to those flooding across the borders of Mexico, but how it will and is, crippling our economy.
There are millions of illegal immigrants who even after an extended period of time living here, haven’t learned English and are working menial jobs and being paid under the table. The USA Today shared a report that stated 51% of illegal immigrants are receiving at least some form of welfare (i.e. Medicaid, free education, free school breakfasts & lunches, phones, etc.). Needless to say, we can’t afford this.
Democrats need to stop lying to voters about the “free” things they have a right to when this isn’t the case. There’s no Constitutional right to a free college education. There’s no Constitutional right to government sponsored healthcare. There’s actually no Constitutional right to a retirement account either; it was part of the New Deal legislation that was passed in 1935 by President FDR. What scares me is that I tried to find where it would be a Constitutional right to get our money back should Social Security go bankrupt and I couldn’t find it; I’m not saying the guarantee isn’t there, just that I couldn’t locate it.
Although many people don’t realize it, Welfare isn’t a Constitutional right, it’s a privilege. The problem is that welfare becomes an expected benefit which makes it not appreciated. Some people who consider welfare due them have more of a propensity to take advantage of the system through fraud because they think they’re sticking it to the man when they’re actually sticking it to taxpayers.
As taxpayers we can authorize almost anything as long as it doesn’t take away any Constitutional rights. This is what the Supreme Court was saying regarding Obama Care; that if taxpayers wanted it then we could have it as long as we were willing to pay for it. They absolutely didn’t say free healthcare was a right.
Democrats had to show in the legislation how they were going to collect the money (tax revenues), even though they were telling their constituents it would pay for itself. As premiums continued to soar they had to put more and more money in the system to offset costs of insurance companies who were given financial guarantees and to reduce premiums for people who couldn’t afford the increasing costs of Obama Care; thus our mounting debt.
Almost everything a U.S. representative votes for is “volunteering” our tax dollars toward a cause and as it is now, we allowed the Federal Government to run things into the ground like with Medicaid and Social Security. The funds in these accounts are borrowed and politicians on both sides keep kicking the can down the road realizing that it will be political suicide to actually address the problems.
This creates a scenario of musical chairs because eventually the creditors will stop funding the accounts and the music will stop then the taxpayers left standing (those still paying income taxes), are going to go through an extremely painful process of severely downgrading their retirement packages and paying the bill through horrendous tax increases. As it stands now, many people understand that when they reach retirement age Social Security might not be around. This is sad.
The bottom line is a lot of young people see Socialism as attractive because they feel it’s morally superior to Capitalism. They are impressionable and even though they believe their thought process is independent it can’t be because they’re inundated with information from liberal sources. We can see in college campuses across our country that it isn’t independent thought but group thinking which has led them to believe that Capitalism is bad and that Republicans are evil, greedy, people.
Needless to say, this isn’t healthy because it divides our country and makes it easier for Democrats and Republicans to constantly point their fingers at the other side and not get anything done. People like Bernie Sanders have these young people so enchanted by the simple-minded ideology they preach that they can’t see a very simple truth and that Socialism is an easy sell but has dire consequences.