Biden hasn't spoken a word about the situation for over a week. He's actually not saying much about anything and he's definitely not answering questions from the media. His Press Secretary refused to answer questions about the border as well, telling the Press Corp to check with DHS.
Remember when Hillary didn't take questions from the press for eight months when she was running for President? This was shocking and had never happened before yet once again, Dems were okay with it. If Trump wouldn't have spoken to the media they would've come unglued in their attacks. Begs the question, why didn't Hillary take questions and why isn't Biden taking question now? Transparent? I think not!
And by the way, officials in the Biden Administration are making claims once again, that children were ripped from their parent's arms during the Trump Administration even though nothing is different now than it was with Trump. So many of the children are unaccompanied so they're not getting ripped from anyone's arms. Then as I mentioned before, when families arrive they're separated as they're vetted. This helps protect the children from being sold as slaves by people who are criminals and not the children's parents. Of course some children don't want to be separated and have to be pulled, or in Democratic terms "ripped," from their parents' arms. But once again, it was unavoidable during Trump's term and Biden is in the same boat.
With this in mind, they're lying once again about what's happening at the border. They know Trump wanted a border wall for security and not because he's racist, but they were certainly willing to lie about it. They know they're doing the same thing in splitting up families during the vetting process. They are a deplorable bunch.