Do I have white privilege? According to millions of white Americans, living in places like the Appalachian's Mountains, white privilege doesn't exist. So who's right? Maybe there are arguments on both sides but the bottom line is regardless of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc., evidence abounds that all of us regardless of our circumstances in life, are blessed/privileged to have been born in the U.S. I'd strongly argue this point with anyone. And apparently the ones who need to hear my argument the most (not all), are Democrats and the mainstream media who for some strange reason, don't see our country in the same light as most.
This is why Democrats never understood Trump's message of: "Make America Great Again!" They don't believe it was a miracle how this country formed in the first place, and they certainly don't believe we were ever a great nation; which I guess means there was no greatest generation of people either because their legacy is tied to our country.
According to liberal ideology, I guess a great nation throughout the history of mankind has never existed. They sure set high standards when it comes to other people. America wouldn't exist right now if liberal ideology reigned supreme back then. They certainly wouldn't have been brave enough to take on Britain. These Libs even go back in time and set political correctness standards for people in history and then demonize them, tearing apart their legacy of what they did for all of us. Wow! Talk about being pompous. Talk about being pious. Deplorables do exist. It's just that Hillary was pointing her finger the wrong direction. They are shameless elitists.