There are certainly some good things in it that both sides can agree on but there's a lot of disgusting pork/special interests spending that will do absolutely nothing for the average American but will definitely take care of some liberals, especially the elitists, and buy votes for their Party.
I came across something in the legislation that about made me drop to the floor. I couldn't believe what I was reading. Democrats are reaching all new levels of corruption. Their legislation included a $50,000 a year tax credit for people in the field of journalism. Meaning if someone makes $80,000 a year, they'll only need to pay taxes on $30,000 of it. You're probably thinking that this must be fake news because it's so outrageous, but it's true.
Once I found what democrats were attempting, I searched for people who have commented on the issue, and I found a great response by Republican Senator Ron Johnson, who is from Wisconsin. Since there's no way I could say it better, here's what Johnson said:
"This tax credit for journalists would create an improper relationship between the federal government and the nation’s leading media outlets. Such relationships could be exploited for propaganda purposes. Not only is this proposal a grotesque waste of taxpayer money, but it would also be a dangerous precedent of government collusion with the media. Biden’s collusion with the press has already caused enough damage to freedom of speech and freedom of the press.”
Wow, did he nail it! How in the world can they justify this special tax credit for journalists? How in the world does it help our country? What does common sense and logic tell you about why democrats are trying to do this in the first place? I'd say it's a payola for the outstanding job they did in getting Biden elected. It's truly sickening.