The answers weren't good as you can expect. Repeatedly, the interviewer was hit up with we're a racist country and aren't worthy of being put on a pedestal. I wonder where they got this non-sense? But not a single person could explain how African Americans are being oppressed today.
Then the students were shown videos from demonstrations in different parts of the world, including Cuba and they were asked, why do people from other countries wave the American flag during their protests? I even saw the Texas state flag being flown in Cuba. The students had no answer for this. The interviewer told them that protestors fly our flag because it is a symbol of freedom even after all these years. So how bad can our country be, when we're the most popular location for immigrants?
At this point, what could these students say. They were asked if there's a better country to live in than the U.S. and they struggled. I mean if we were truly a racist country why do so many races want in? We are the most diverse country there is. Apparently minorities aren't dealing with such difficult issues in the U.S., to where they're willing to leave our country.
Many of these college students were so naïve and uneducated beyond their liberal indoctrination in education. This is why I love Campus Reform so much because it's awesome seeing the blinders come off with some of these young people.