Anyone who has studied people like Michael Dell, Bill Gates, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Mark Zuckerberg, John Westinghouse, etc., knows that greed didn’t drive their ambitions it was the need to create something that people would want. Because of their personal drives a massive amount of new jobs were created in industries that didn’t exist.
Communism and Socialism don’t breed entrepreneurship. These jobs the innovators created help/helped employees provide for themselves and their families. I’m very thankful for the entrepreneurs who helped start and build the companies I’ve worked for over the years and this includes Thomas Edison who laid the foundation for me to work for General Electric around 100 years after he started it. Think about all the people G.E. has employed since its beginning; this is what capitalism is all about.
If you peel back enough layers it’s easy to see that what many liberals want is “equality of outcome” and not “equal opportunity.” Equal opportunity to achieve success isn’t enough for them anymore because it isn’t working. Access and opportunities are greater now than ever before, especially for minorities, but the spread between those who have money and who don’t has widened. There’s a very easy answer to why this has happened it’s just that many liberals don’t want to hear it because it goes against their ideology of blame versus accountability.
As I mentioned in my article about young people and socialism, there are all kinds of scholarships available to African Americans yet their high school dropout rate is terrible compared to whites. Since their community is getting worse off liberals need to assign blame for politically correct purposes but they don’t bring up that the biggest part of the problem is the African American culture in low-income areas.
I mention low income areas because there are many African Americans who are working professionals in the middle to upper classes. They make a good living with their children graduating high school and going off to college; no different than some white families (and better than the white family I came from). They also have fewer children born out of wedlock and less children being incarcerated. Their culture is different. They had the same road blocks as other African Americans but they made it. Why? Why if according to many liberals white people are trying to oppress blacks, did it not work on these successful people?
Socialists think we must take care of people so they want to take from the “rich” and give to the “poor” but does it work? Does it improve their standard of living? Does it create a culture of self-improvement and self-actualization so people can lift themselves up by striving to become more so they can get more? I do believe that liberals have good intentions but if the goal is to help people in need, they need to accept what does and what doesn’t work.
I’ve heard many young people talking about income disparity between African Americans and Whites and that somehow white people are the cause when the truth is very simple. When they have more students dropping out of high school than white students it creates income disparity. Before the Civil Rights Movement around 20% of black women were unwed mothers now it has reached 72%, and this negatively affects their job opportunities thus more income disparity between blacks and whites.
Both of the above issues largely contributes to the widening gap in income levels since the 60’s but it’s not an income inequality issue where white people are holding African Americans down. All African Americans have to do is work towards fixing these things which they have complete control over as we’ve seen millions of successful African Americans do. The fact is whites aren’t creating the current income disparities, blacks are, so it has nothing to do with racism at this point in our country’s history.
There’s no doubt there was systemic racism in our country’s past but the Civil Rights Act was in 1964 and African Americans have every bit of privilege to make great things happen for themselves in our country as long as they hold themselves accountable and responsible. Playing victim will only serve to hold them down and I find this very sad.
Why aren’t black leaders telling their communities how great they are and what they’re capable of accomplishing? Why do they treat African Americans who have become successful like pariah? There’s only one logical answer…it would put black leaders who feed off of racism out of business. Who’s the real enemy to the African American community, whites who’d love to see them do well which would help make our country even stronger, or the black leaders who want to hold them down for their own personal gain? I sure wish they recognized this.
It’s as simple as this…both a white single mom who hasn’t finished high school is in the same economic boat (below the poverty line), as the African American woman who has the same circumstances. If there were white privilege that impacts wages wouldn’t the white woman be somehow better off?
The fact is if the circumstances are the same for a young African American, Hispanic, and White male and they all didn’t finish high school they’ll all be in poverty. They all have an “equal opportunity” to finish high school but they’ll all suffer the same “equal outcome” regardless of race, if they don’t. If there were a race advantage, the White high school dropout would end up in a better economic situation but data proves otherwise. Bad choices equal bad results and it doesn’t matter what your skin color or gender; this has been a constant for thousands of years.
Many minorities don’t accept these truths and instead pursue victimhood to explain their lack of mobility thus holding them back from better things in life. The fact is, race won’t impact someone’s upward mobility as much as good behaviors and values. Why in the world would whites have a monopoly on these critical things? It isn’t the color of a white person’s skin that gives him a special advantage or privilege because if his behaviors and values are bad, he’ll end up in just as bad of a place as anyone with the same characteristics who might have black or brown skin. Where’s the white privilege? The fact is we’re privileged to live in a country where regardless of the color of your skin, if you make good choices in your life, you can get ahead.
Some young people, especially some minorities, seem to hate our country so much yet there are no communists or socialists countries that have better overall living conditions for their citizens than we have in the United States; it’s not even close. Progressives aren’t accepting the empirical data which easily proves that capitalism isn’t perfect but it’s the moral and most effective approach to lift more people up.
Capitalism rewards good life choices and hard work whereas socialism doesn’t. I heard one liberal say that she thinks the tax rate for the Top 1% of income earners should be at least 80%. What incentive would there be to earn money beyond a particular income bracket? An income tax rate of 80% along with all the other taxes someone has to pay like a fuel tax, property tax, and sales tax means the person at this high tax rate would be losing money for each dollar earned. The last thing our economy needs is for people to not want to strive for more.
It’s simple, do you want your children to accept mediocrity or do you push them to do better? Why do you push them? You push them so they’ll know they’re capable of better performance and can achieve good things in life. This isn’t a socialist’s mentality it’s a capitalist’s mentality.
I think it’s extremely important that parents help their children understand the many benefits of living in our country because unfortunately too many young people aren’t proud of living here and this isn’t good for our future.
I think you could very easily share this thought with your teens…people vote with their feet. Not many people leave the U.S. to become citizens of other countries but we’re inundated with people who want to come here. Does China have to worry about an onslaught of people flooding in from Hong Kong (a capitalist city in a communist country), or do they worry about people trying to leave China for Hong Kong? Communists and Socialists countries don’t usually show up as good places to live if you Google them.
The bottom line is America isn’t perfect but comparatively speaking, it’s awesome!