Of course as the Dems see it, a new Democrat is crossing the border about every minute. There are 7,000 children who arrived unaccompanied just over the last four months. Their parents sometimes arrive a few months later but that isn't guaranteed. They know their kids will get in without a problem so they send them first.
We didn't have an immigration issue when Trump put the clamps down and made law enforcement abide by laws that were already on the books. Now it's going to be a free-for-all again. More children will be raped and sex trafficked which only makes sense due to the increase in migration. It is just so sad that politics get in the way of the true wellbeing of those desiring to become Americans.
It's quite simple. A large majority of Hispanic Americans want tough immigration laws. They paid the price to get in legally and they want the same rules applied to everyone. But Democrats don't care about the truth. They can't answer why they disagree with Hispanic Americans who believe border walls are necessary and aren't immoral. It's just how they roll.