moral compass guiding us to pursue the best that humanity had to offer.
We should ask ourselves why people years ago could leave their bikes parked outside without a lock on them. Why were they not concerned about locking their doors. Why were they not concerned about leaving their keys in their cars? Why were they not concerned about their
children playing outside? Of course I could go on and on but you get the point.
The answer to these questions is quite clear to me and that is morality was still a driving factor in how people lived their lives. Christendom was guiding the lives of most Americans and
Non-Christians were conforming to how the masses lived not the other way around like it is today.
There have been massive amount of studies regarding why civilizations have fallen over the last thousands of year and there was a common denominator and that is the societies began losing their moral compass. Even if they knew nothing about God they still lived by many of The Ten Commandments because it was a natural way of coexisting. When it was lost, when they began killing others to take their land and their women, their societies began the downward spiral. There were certainly other factors as well but once again the core problem identified by these researches was that morality began declining followed by their society.
The big question is what can we do about it? Unfortunately there are no easy answers. We’ve allowed elected officials as well as the Supreme Court to dictate how we are to live our lives and quite frankly we’ve done it with little resistance.
The more influence they’ve exerted the worse our lives have gotten. Our bikes and doors are locked up. Our children are limited in when and where they can play. When I was a kid I was told to be in by dark and I didn’t have a care in the world about something bad happening to me.
We can’t say prayer in school. The government is no longer funding the best organizations for helping people in need because they are religious organizations. There is clearly a large place to blame for our declining morality and it falls directly on the government taking away religious freedoms. The ACLU has also been instrumental in our moral decline.
Back to what we can do about it. We first have to decide whether we are willing to be in the world and not of the world. If you look around and you can’t differentiate your life from everybody else’s
then you have a problem. Jesus said narrow is the gate to heaven meaning if you are traveling down life’s journey with a crowd of other people, good luck getting through the gate. The bottom line is we are called by God to be different; not perfect, just different. He wants others to see in us that we are patient, loving, kind, compassionate, trustworthy, etc. He said that if others don’t see these things in us then we are pretty much useless. It’s a hard but fair statement. What good are we if we’re like everybody else?
Gandhi said: “Become the change you seek in the world.” His message to us is to start with us. Trying to change things like the state of our country and individual societies is too daunting a task but we can change ourselves. If we want morality back in our society then we need to be
the role model for it. That’s really all God ask of us. He knows that if we focus on being the best we can be then everything else will fall into place because we’ll have the fortitude to fight the good fight against evil in our society. He knows that we’ll get more involved in politics because it has so
much influence over our ways of life. He knows that we’ll take care of people in need because we will have the moral compass to do so.
We need to focus on ourselves and become the change we seek in the world. For me it means to attend church, participate in Bible studies, and do a lot of praying. These things keep my focused on God instead of the world.
Then we need to get involved with politics and let our legislators and the Supreme Court know they are ruining our lives and the proof is available to back this up. We need our moral compass back and that includes getting rid of the terrible interpretation of the separation of church and state. I have another blog dedicated to this topic and it very clearly shows why the Supreme Court was wrong in their decision and how we could argue to overturn it. Think about it, nine Justices deciding the fate of our nation; I find this very scary because Christendom doesn’t play in their decision making when it is the moral fiber that keeps our country strong.
The right to revolt against our country is written in our Constitution. Citizens are told they can do this if they feel the government is endangering the nation; basically not doing their jobs
effectively. I don’t know about you but there’s no doubt in my mind they’ve earned a revolution!