It would be one thing if the crazy amounts some people are paying for college is worth it but where’s the proof? Are students who attend a college that cost $40,000 a year more successful than someone who attends a college that cost $18,000 in annual tuition?
The colleges and universities listed below are the most expensive in the United States. The tuition differences between the most expensive colleges and others in the Top 100 aren’t much. For references purposes Yale ranked 67th on the list and Harvard was ranked 85th with them averaging around $55,000 in annual tuitions. Here's the breakdown:
1) Sarah Lawrence College (New York State) Annual tuition: $61,236
2) New York University (New York City) Annual tuition: $59,837
3) Harvey Mudd College (Claremont, California) Annual tuition: $58,913
4) Columbia University (New York City) Annual tuition: $58,742
5) Wesleyan University (Middletown, Connecticut) Annual tuition:
Many universities offer ridiculous college courses so I’d strongly recommend that if you’re paying for your child’s college education that you look over their class load to ensure the courses will help them find a job someday. These are some of the crazy courses I found being offered:
• What If Harry Potter Is Real?
• God, Sex, Chocolate: Desire and the Spiritual Path
• GaGa for Gaga: Sex, Gender, and Identity
• Philosophy and Star Trek
• Interrogating Gender: Centuries of Dramatic Cross-Dressing
• The Feminist Critique of Christianity
If I were a parent there’s no way I’d let my child take one of these courses if I were paying for the degree. I’d also investigate the college further to see just how liberal it has become. It has gotten so bad that a recent Senate Hearing took place where college professors and students testified that freedom of speech is going away on college campuses because conservative views are being shouted down. According to them instead of civil debate, liberals verbally attack more conservative students and the colleges themselves prevent conservative speakers from coming in to share ideas.
Zachary Wood, an African American student attending an elite school (Williams College in Massachusetts), said the following: “In classrooms, liberal arguments are often treated as unquestionable truths while other views are not welcome. I cannot think of a single conservative speaker that has been brought in by our school’s administration.” Other professors and students mentioned that they’ve learned to not say anything about their views because of the verbal assaults they endure when all they want is honest, open, dialogue.
Parents are paying too much money to allow the schools to teach their children “group think.” It’s supposed to be a time of learning different ideology and then figuring out for themselves what makes sense. How come so many liberal college students get out in the “real world” and become more conservative in their ideology and why do students who are conservative, typically remain conservative? This should tell us something.
Once the liberal students realize they work around seven months out of the year to pay all the taxes they’re hit with (i.e. income, payroll, property, sales, etc.), they begin to think more about government spending and what’s realistic since we can’t help everyone. Are they willing to work eight months out of the year to “pay” for “free” college?
Learning more about the real world while they’re in college is the best thing we can do for them. In order for them to be successful they must have good relationships in their personal and professional lives but these liberal students are taught to hate conservatives. They are taught to believe conservatives don’t care about other people or the environment which isn’t true.
How can they have good relationships if they have so much anger towards another group of people? To them, about half the people in our country are deplorable because of so much liberal ideology crammed down their throats. The Democrat Party through their divisive rhetoric are handicapping the potential these college students possess.
We need to allow these college students a chance to hear other viewpoints about our country and the world and let them decide what makes the most sense. This would make it a much better return on the huge investment parents are making into their children’s futures.
Before I wrap up I have to mention some universities. First of all, Western Kentucky University has their student government pushing to offer African American students free tuition beginning this fall as their contribution towards reparations for slavery. Columbia University created separate dorm rooms for minority students including LGBTQ. I thought we were trying to get away from segregation. African American students at Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington called for an “All Black Day” where all white people (including professors), were to leave the school.
One professor refused to leave and protests and riots broke out with the students chanting: “Black power!” Now they’re demanding his resignation. Could you imagine if the roles were reversed and white people did this? Their governor and mayor would be all over it as a Civil Rights issue and the mainstream media would be going irate.
I could go on and on with crazy stories about things going on in college campuses across our country but I’ll leave it at this. The bottom line is we should be very concerned about what’s happening because it will have terrible implications on the health of our country in the future. If we allow these things to continue without speaking out to co-workers, families, friends, and our representatives, then someday our voice will no longer matter and we’ll be caught up in a terrible tsunami of socialism.