Are we sure he's a real doctor or does he just play one for the Democratic Party? I'm not a doctor but the answers were readily available from the CDC. I guess Fauci doesn't read his own stuff? Regarding Q#1: There are a little over 400 children with COVID (ages 1-18). Since the base is so very low, it doesn't take much of an increase to sound like it's an epidemic which is exactly what democrats and the media are conveying. 2) Fauci wasn't real sure about the death rates so I'll help him...none. 3) Children are more likely to get the new variance but in no way are they dying from the virus.
Whether regular COVID-19 or the new Delta Variance, children have less than a one percent chance of contracting the viruses. So why the huge push for masks in school? Where's the science? Why hasn't the FDA approved the vaccines and boosters? Why hasn't President Biden assigned someone to lead the FDA so the department can work more effectively with the CDC? I hope Biden has a method to his madness but I'm not going to get my hopes up.