It makes no sense, but I know some liberals buy into stuff like this because they don't think for themselves. They're like sheep and the leaders of the Democrat Party love it. Not that some Republicans don't drink the Party Kool-Aid as well.
But what really upsets me is that Waters was saying some terrible things about Trump and the Republican Party when she's the one who has been caught being corrupt. This isn't speculation, it's proven and can be seen on-line. Add to this that although she got caught by the Ethics Committee and has been on a watchdog group's most corrupt politician watch list several times, the mainstream media didn't cover what she and her husband did to defraud taxpayers.
Why is this? Why are they so willing to trash Trump over every little thing but don’t cover big, and truthful stories like the one regarding Waters’ corruption? Maybe it’s because they've used her for years to say outrageous things that cause racial division, so they aren't going to go after one of their golden eggs of controversy. This is yet another example of fake news...or should I say, "No News."