For example, democrats said the Keystone Pipeline was dangerous. What I'd like to know is since they are completely on board with pipelines in the U.S. to move oil around to different parts of the country, then why is the Keystone Pipeline dangerous? Why do they think that moving oil through semitrucks and railcars is safer than the pipeline which has a tremendous record of structural integrity?
Another question I would love answered is why they think shutting down the pipeline will help the environment when the people who actually live in that environment want the pipeline? Don't you think that if it were a problem that the people who are in the area would speak up?
I've got plenty more but let me wrap up with this, and I consider it very scary insight into the mentality of some democrats. Not producing oil here doesn't stop oil consumption in the U.S. So, all were doing is giving countries like Russia an opportunity to make money and build more weapons. To think you can help the environment by changing the location of where we get the oil, is beyond ignorant. And anyone who believes this should have their voting privileges revoked because they're too dangerous to our Republic.