Here are some of the problems: 1) We are a capitalists country which does everything it can to allow a free-market economy and it has been astonishing as the U.S. is the wealthiest country in the world. Allowing other countries to help dictate our tax laws is beyond dangerous. 2) Notice the countries who are members of the G-7. They aren't our problem competitors across the globe. If we raise costs on businesses in these countries then our real problems (i.e. China, India, etc.), will eat our companies alive. If we were true patriots and didn't buy foreign goods, it wouldn't be a problem but most Americans make purchase decisions based off of price. 3) Every large company mentioned by Biden's team as to why they're going after this tax minimum, already has environmental standards and are meeting or exceeding them. All of them follow the laws regarding hiring and firing.
Just like the Paris Climate Accord, this new endeavor is politically motivated and will do NOTHING to help us in the U.S. Just the opposite, it will give China exactly what they want (are they the Kabul?), free reign to control their own prices and ensure they are always lower than what we have to offer even if they're printing money to do it.
The fact is, it doesn't matter what deals these countries make, some countries, like China, never honor the agreements. Democrats don't care about actual results, just that they get to make it appear that the Biden Administration is respected around the world. It's sickening.