One time he had a group of people mesmerized by a story he was telling which included fighting Indians and then trying to get away on foot through the woods. Everyone was at the edge of their seats listening to him. He then went on to say that while he was running through the woods, he wasn't paying attention and he ran into a grizzly bear with a couple of cubs. Then he stopped talking, letting the wild imaginations from the crowd run wild. Then someone yelled out: "What happened?!" To which Daniel replied: "Well, she killed me." Then he just smiled at the crowd. It took them a minute but then the place erupted with laughter. That was the sense of humor of Daniel Boone.
I'm actually a descendent of Daniel's which my family didn't know until my niece did some data diving in I was excited at first but being a numbers guy, I started checking it out and he had around 11 siblings. They all had around ten children a piece and so on and so on. From a statistical perspective, with the exponential growth of additional family, I figured half the people in the U.S. are probably descendants of his so I'm nothing special. I'll have to send back the Coon Skin Cap that I ordered on Amazon. 😉