A few notes: 1) The chance of being struck by lightning comparing 2021's numbers, is .000003%. 2) In the last ten years, lightning deaths have decreased around 60%. Climate change activists don't share this figure. 3) Around 10% of the people who get struck by lightning, die. 4) Around half of the deaths were young people between the ages of 10 and 19. 5) Most deaths happened via lighting strikes on the beach followed by golfers being killed on the golf course.
I'll wrap up with this. Why do climate change activists pick and choose the data they're willing to share? Does anyone care about the truth anymore? Has integrity left the building? The issue I have now is that I don't know who or what to believe about climate change. I'm sure there's some truth to the matter but I can't trust them. It's disgusting that our nation has gotten to this point. Well done devil, well done.