Pelosi is now calling the wall immoral. If a border wall is immoral why doesn't she introduce legislation to have the current border walls torn down? Of course, she doesn't really believe the wall is immoral; it would be ridiculous, she's lying.
So, the question is why are they no longer for a border wall? There's only one answer through using common sense and logic, and that is because President Trump wants it. Where they're screwing up is that most Americans do support more aggressive border security including a wall. It's one of the reasons Trump was elected.
Although Pelosi and Schumer consider themselves intellectually advanced, they're so blinded by their hatred of Trump over this issue that in the end, it will only serve to divide our country further. It's once again, politics over country, and it's very dangerous.
Let me wrap up with this, President Obama got over $500 billion dollars for "shovel ready" projects and Democrats were all on board. The $5 billion Trump wants for the wall doesn't mean we throw the money away, it creates jobs. Not only in labor but also all the companies who will be providing supplies for the project. How come Democrats are spinning it as wasted money when they were perfectly fine with Obama's spending to inject money into the economy? They are a very slippery bunch and continue to mislead and lie to U.S. citizens. I'm sick of it.