The goal to defund Planned Parenthood is to take the tax dollars that were going to them and redirecting them to the countless number of free women’s clinics all across the country; there are four within 15 minutes of my home. The clinics typically offer more comprehensive services including mammograms that Planned Parenthood hasn’t been providing.
So the goal is to provide better healthcare services for women because Planned Parenthood was heading down the path of the VA. When it comes to abortion purposes, Planned Parenthood can continue to offer it to their patients. Remember, they weren’t supposed to be co-mingling our tax dollars to fund the abortion side of their clinics so defunding them shouldn’t matter unless they were in fact using tax dollars that weren’t authorized.
Democrats are demonizing Republicans over this issue trying to make it appear that Republicans don’t care about women which I don’t understand how anyone can believe them (but naïve voters do). There are over 20 million women who are members of the Republican Party so why would they stay with them if they didn’t care about their needs?
It’s ridiculous that Democrats try again and again to make Republicans out to be a bunch of rich, white guys when the demographics don’t support their claims. But it shows once again they are the Party of the end justifies the means. This isn’t good for our country but it keeps them employed in D.C.