They now have the gaul to attempt to hide what they said and act like it’s a huge surprise as to the conditions of our detention facilities. The heads of both Homeland Security and Border Patrol have testified three times over the last several months in House and Senate hearings, as to the horrendous problems on the border including the fact that due to the massive amount of illegals crossing the border, that they have around ten times the amount of people in the detention facilities than what they’re supposed to hold. They were begging for additional funding to expand current facilities and add new ones but Democrats overwhelmingly voted no and this includes AOC who was on the border yesterday attacking the Trump Administration for the conditions there. Here she voted against helping to improve conditions for illegal immigrants and is now acting like she had nothing to do with the problems. Politicians are sleazy but she’s taking it to new heights.
Her claim that illegals were being forced to drink water out of a toilet is being challenged vehemently. If she did see this happening, don’t you think she would’ve had her people take a picture of it? She had them taking pictures of pretty much everything else. She’s just lying as usual and, in this case, creating a false narrative that is dangerous because it’s creating division in our country. She’s even claiming that she was harassed by Border Patrol Agents; where is this proof? The fact is, these people do have food, water, restrooms, etc., which is shocking considering how overwhelmed these facilities are with illegal immigrants.
Because we don’t have enough facilities and large enough facilities to accommodate how the border is being flooded, more illegals are being released into our society leading to over 1,000 U.S. citizens being murdered every year by illegals. They are given a location to report to two years after they arrive to be processed, but let’s face it, the chances of them showing up is slim regardless of what Democrats are saying. These illegals don’t want to show up in court because roughly 90% are deported because they don’t meet the criteria for being accepted such as asylum seekers.
Republicans didn’t manufacture a crisis at the border. If anything is being manufactured it’s: 1) Democrats acting like they never claimed there wasn’t a crisis. 2) Democrats trying to hide that they didn’t provide funding for the wellbeing of illegal immigrants. 3) Democrats claiming the conditions are Trump’s fault.
There’s more of course but I’ll leave it at the above. The bottom line is that these Democrats are deplorable. They’re lying about what’s happening on the border and about their culpability in the problems that do exist. I’ve said it many times, but the fact that our representatives, who are supposed to be the best of us, are actually the worst of us, is both scary and sad. They don’t deserve their jobs. Would we allow someone who works for us to lie especially if he did it daily? We wouldn’t, he'd be fired.